use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest ':DiffSQL'; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ( { '' => { '!=', undef } }, { prefetch => ['tracks', 'artist'] }, ); is($cd_rs->count, 5, 'CDs with tracks count'); is($cd_rs->search_related('tracks')->count, 15, 'Tracks associated with CDs count (before SELECT()ing)'); is($cd_rs->all, 5, 'Amount of CD objects with tracks'); is($cd_rs->search_related('tracks')->count, 15, 'Tracks associated with CDs count (after SELECT()ing)'); is($cd_rs->search_related ('tracks')->all, 15, 'Track objects associated with CDs (after SELECT()ing)'); my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({name => 'xxx'}); my $artist_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( {artistid => $artist->id}, {prefetch=>'cds', join => 'twokeys' } ); is($artist_rs->count, 1, "New artist found with prefetch turned on"); is(scalar($artist_rs->all), 1, "New artist fetched with prefetch turned on"); is($artist_rs->related_resultset('cds')->count, 0, "No CDs counted on a brand new artist"); is(scalar($artist_rs->related_resultset('cds')->all), 0, "No CDs fetched on a brand new artist (count == fetch)"); # create a cd, and make sure the non-existing join does not skew the count $artist->create_related ('cds', { title => 'yyy', year => '1999' }); is($artist_rs->related_resultset('cds')->count, 1, "1 CDs counted on a brand new artist"); is(scalar($artist_rs->related_resultset('cds')->all), 1, "1 CDs prefetched on a brand new artist (count == fetch)"); # Really fuck shit up with one more cd and some insanity # this doesn't quite work as there are the prefetch gets lost # on search_related. This however is too esoteric to fix right # now my $cd2 = $artist->create_related ('cds', { title => 'zzz', year => '1999', tracks => [{ title => 'ping' }, { title => 'pong' }], }); my $cds = $cd2->search_related ('artist', {}, { join => 'twokeys' }) ->search_related ('cds'); my $tracks = $cds->search_related ('tracks'); is($tracks->count, 2, "2 Tracks counted on cd via artist via one of the cds"); is(scalar($tracks->all), 2, "2 Track objects on cd via artist via one of the cds"); is($cds->count, 2, "2 CDs counted on artist via one of the cds"); is(scalar($cds->all), 2, "2 CD objectson artist via one of the cds"); # make sure the join collapses all the way is_same_sql_bind ( $tracks->count_rs->as_query, '( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM artist me LEFT JOIN twokeys twokeys ON twokeys.artist = me.artistid JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = me.artistid JOIN track tracks ON = cds.cdid WHERE ( me.artistid = ? ) )', [ [ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer', dbic_colname => 'me.artistid' } => 4 ] ], ); { local $TODO = "Chaining with prefetch is fundamentally broken"; $schema->is_executed_querycount( sub { my $cds = $cd2->search_related ('artist', {}, { prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' }, join => 'twokeys' }) ->search_related ('cds'); my $tracks = $cds->search_related ('tracks'); is($tracks->count, 2, "2 Tracks counted on cd via artist via one of the cds"); is(scalar($tracks->all), 2, "2 Tracks prefetched on cd via artist via one of the cds"); is($tracks->count, 2, "Cached 2 Tracks counted on cd via artist via one of the cds"); is($cds->count, 2, "2 CDs counted on artist via one of the cds"); is(scalar($cds->all), 2, "2 CDs prefetched on artist via one of the cds"); is($cds->count, 2, "Cached 2 CDs counted on artist via one of the cds"); }, 3, '2 counts + 1 prefetch?' ); } done_testing;