use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 't/cdbi/testlib'; use Film; sub valid_rating { my $value = shift; my $ok = grep $value eq $_, qw/U Uc PG 12 15 18/; return $ok; } Film->add_constraint('valid rating', Rating => \&valid_rating); my %info = ( Title => 'La Double Vie De Veronique', Director => 'Kryzstof Kieslowski', Rating => '18', ); { local $info{Title} = "nonsense"; local $info{Rating} = 19; eval { Film->create({%info}) }; ok $@, $@; ok !Film->retrieve($info{Title}), "No film created"; is(Film->retrieve_all, 0, "So no films"); } ok(my $ver = Film->create({%info}), "Can create with valid rating"); is $ver->Rating, 18, "Rating 18"; ok $ver->Rating(12), "Change to 12"; ok $ver->update, "And update"; is $ver->Rating, 12, "Rating now 12"; eval { $ver->Rating(13); $ver->update; }; ok $@, $@; is $ver->Rating, 12, "Rating still 12"; ok $ver->delete, "Delete"; # this threw an infinite loop in old versions Film->add_constraint('valid director', Director => sub { 1 }); my $fred = Film->create({ Rating => '12' }); # this test is a bit problematical because we don't supply a primary key # to the create() and the table doesn't use auto_increment or a sequence. ok $fred, "Got fred"; { ok +Film->constrain_column(rating => [qw/U PG 12 15 19/]), "constraint_column"; my $narrower = eval { Film->create({ Rating => 'Uc' }) }; like $@, qr/fails.*constraint/, "Fails listref constraint"; my $ok = eval { Film->create({ Rating => 'U' }) }; is $@, '', "Can create with rating U"; SKIP: { skip "No column objects", 2; ok +Film->find_column('rating')->is_constrained, "Rating is constrained"; ok +Film->find_column('director')->is_constrained, "Director is not"; } } { ok +Film->constrain_column(title => qr/The/), "constraint_column"; my $inferno = eval { Film->create({ Title => 'Towering Infero' }) }; like $@, qr/fails.*constraint/, "Can't create towering inferno"; my $the_inferno = eval { Film->create({ Title => 'The Towering Infero' }) }; is $@, '', "But can create THE towering inferno"; } { sub Film::_constrain_by_untaint { my ($class, $col, $string, $type) = @_; $class->add_constraint( untaint => $col => sub { my ($value, $self, $column_name, $changing) = @_; $value eq "today" ? $changing->{$column_name} = "2001-03-03" : 0; } ); } eval { Film->constrain_column(codirector => Untaint => 'date') }; is $@, '', 'Can constrain with untaint'; my $freeaa = eval { Film->create({ title => "The Freaa", codirector => 'today' }) }; is $@, '', "Can create codirector"; is $freeaa && $freeaa->codirector, '2001-03-03', "Set the codirector"; } done_testing; __DATA__ use CGI::Untaint; sub _constrain_by_untaint { my ($class, $col, $string, $type) = @_; $class->add_constraint(untaint => $col => sub { my ($value, $self, $column_name, $changing) = @_; my $h = CGI::Untaint->new({ %$changing }); return unless my $val = $h->extract("-as_$type" => $column_name); $changing->{$column_name} = $val; return 1; }); }