use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 't/cdbi/testlib'; use Film; use Actor; { # Check __ESSENTIAL__ expansion (RT#13038) my @cols = Film->columns('Essential'); is_deeply \@cols, ['title'], "1 Column in essential"; is +Film->transform_sql('__ESSENTIAL__'), 'title', '__ESSENTIAL__ expansion'; # This provides a more interesting test Film->columns(Essential => qw(title rating)); is +Film->transform_sql('__ESSENTIAL__'), 'title, rating', 'multi-col __ESSENTIAL__ expansion'; } my $f1 = Film->create({ title => 'A', director => 'AA', rating => 'PG' }); my $f2 = Film->create({ title => 'B', director => 'BA', rating => 'PG' }); my $f3 = Film->create({ title => 'C', director => 'AA', rating => '15' }); my $f4 = Film->create({ title => 'D', director => 'BA', rating => '18' }); my $f5 = Film->create({ title => 'E', director => 'AA', rating => '18' }); Film->set_sql( pgs => qq{ SELECT __ESSENTIAL__ FROM __TABLE__ WHERE __TABLE__.rating = 'PG' ORDER BY title DESC } ); { (my $sth = Film->sql_pgs())->execute; my @pgs = Film->sth_to_objects($sth); is @pgs, 2, "Execute our own SQL"; is $pgs[0]->id, $f2->id, "get F2"; is $pgs[1]->id, $f1->id, "and F1"; } { my @pgs = Film->search_pgs; is @pgs, 2, "SQL creates search() method"; is $pgs[0]->id, $f2->id, "get F2"; is $pgs[1]->id, $f1->id, "and F1"; }; Film->set_sql( rating => qq{ SELECT __ESSENTIAL__ FROM __TABLE__ WHERE rating = ? ORDER BY title DESC } ); { my @pgs = Film->search_rating('18'); is @pgs, 2, "Can pass parameters to created search()"; is $pgs[0]->id, $f5->id, "F5"; is $pgs[1]->id, $f4->id, "and F4"; }; { Film->set_sql( by_id => qq{ SELECT __ESSENTIAL__ FROM __TABLE__ WHERE __IDENTIFIER__ } ); my $film = Film->retrieve_all->first; my @found = Film->search_by_id($film->id); is @found, 1; is $found[0]->id, $film->id; } { Actor->has_a(film => "Film"); Film->set_sql( namerate => qq{ SELECT __ESSENTIAL(f)__ FROM __TABLE(=f)__, __TABLE(Actor=a)__ WHERE __JOIN(a f)__ AND LIKE ? AND f.rating = ? ORDER BY title } ); my $a1 = Actor->create({ name => "A1", film => $f1 }); my $a2 = Actor->create({ name => "A2", film => $f2 }); my $a3 = Actor->create({ name => "B1", film => $f1 }); my @apg = Film->search_namerate("A_", "PG"); is @apg, 2, "2 Films with A* that are PG"; is $apg[0]->title, "A", "A"; is $apg[1]->title, "B", "and B"; } { # join in reverse Actor->has_a(film => "Film"); Film->set_sql( ratename => qq{ SELECT __ESSENTIAL(f)__ FROM __TABLE(=f)__, __TABLE(Actor=a)__ WHERE __JOIN(f a)__ AND f.rating = ? AND LIKE ? ORDER BY title } ); my @apg = Film->search_ratename(PG => "A_"); is @apg, 2, "2 Films with A* that are PG"; is $apg[0]->title, "A", "A"; is $apg[1]->title, "B", "and B"; } done_testing;