package # hide from PAUSE Film; use warnings; use strict; use base 'DBIC::Test::SQLite'; __PACKAGE__->set_table('Movies'); __PACKAGE__->columns('Primary', 'Title'); __PACKAGE__->columns('Essential', qw( Title )); __PACKAGE__->columns('Directors', qw( Director CoDirector )); __PACKAGE__->columns('Other', qw( Rating NumExplodingSheep HasVomit )); # Disables the implicit autoinc-on-non-supplied-pk behavior # (and the warning that goes with it) # This is the same behavior as it was pre 0.082900 __PACKAGE__->column_info('title')->{is_auto_increment} = 0; sub create_sql { return qq{ title VARCHAR(255), director VARCHAR(80), codirector VARCHAR(80), rating CHAR(5), numexplodingsheep INTEGER, hasvomit CHAR(1) } } sub create_test_film { return shift->create({ Title => 'Bad Taste', Director => 'Peter Jackson', Rating => 'R', NumExplodingSheep => 1, }); } package DeletingFilm; use base 'Film'; sub DESTROY { shift->delete } 1;