package # Hide from PAUSE

# Test class for the testing of Implicit inflation
# in CDBI Classes using Compat layer
# See t/cdbi/70-implicit_inflate.t

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'DBIC::Test::SQLite';


__PACKAGE__->columns( Primary => 'id' );
__PACKAGE__->columns( All => qw/ update_datetime text/);

  update_datetime => 'MyDateStamp',

# Disables the implicit autoinc-on-non-supplied-pk behavior
# (and the warning that goes with it)
# This is the same behavior as it was pre 0.082900
__PACKAGE__->column_info('id')->{is_auto_increment} = 0;

sub create_sql {
  # SQLite doesn't support Datetime datatypes.
  return qq{
    id              INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    update_datetime TEXT,
    text            VARCHAR(20)

  package MyDateStamp;

  use DateTime::Format::SQLite;

  sub new {
    my ($self, $value) = @_;
    return DateTime::Format::SQLite->parse_datetime($value);
