package #hide from pause DBICTest::BaseResultSet; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { my @subclassing = qw(DBICTest::Base DBIx::Class::ResultSet); if( ! $ENV{DBICTEST_MOOIFIED_RESULTSETS} ) { # plain old vanilla require base; base->import(@subclassing); } else { # do a string eval to make sure Moo doesn't get confused require Carp; eval <<'EOM' use Moo; extends @subclassing; # ::RS::new() expects my ($class, $rsrc, $args) = @_ # Moo(se) expects a single hashref ( $args ), and makes it mandatory # # Ensure that unless we are called from a test - DBIC always fills it in sub BUILDARGS { if( ! defined $_[2] and # not a direct call from a test file (caller(1))[1] !~ m{ (?: ^ | \/ | \\ ) t [\/\\] .+ \.t $ }x ) { $Carp::CarpLevel += 2; Carp::confess( "...::ResultSet->new() called without supplying an ( empty ) hashref as argument: this fails with Moo(se) and incomplete BUILDARGS. Problematic stacktrace begins" ); } $_[2] || {}; } EOM } } sub all_hri { return [ shift->search ({}, { result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator' })->all ]; } 1;