package #hide from pause

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(DBICTest::Base DBIx::Class::Schema);

use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :seek :flock);
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
use Time::HiRes 'sleep';
use DBICTest::Util::LeakTracer qw(populate_weakregistry assert_empty_weakregistry);
use DBICTest::Util qw( local_umask await_flock dbg DEBUG_TEST_CONCURRENCY_LOCKS );
use namespace::clean;

sub capture_executed_sql_bind {
  my ($self, $cref) = @_;

  $self->throw_exception("Expecting a coderef to run") unless ref $cref eq 'CODE';

  require DBICTest::SQLTracerObj;

  # hack around stupid, stupid API
  no warnings 'redefine';
  local *DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_format_for_trace = sub { $_[1] };
  Class::C3->reinitialize if DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO;

  local $self->storage->{debugcb};
  local $self->storage->{debugobj} = my $tracer_obj = DBICTest::SQLTracerObj->new;
  local $self->storage->{debug} = 1;

  local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;

  return $tracer_obj->{sqlbinds} || [];

sub is_executed_querycount {
  my ($self, $cref, $exp_counts, $msg) = @_;

  local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;

  $self->throw_exception("Expecting an hashref of counts or an integer representing total query count")
    unless ref $exp_counts eq 'HASH' or (defined $exp_counts and ! ref $exp_counts);

  my @got = map { $_->[0] } @{ $self->capture_executed_sql_bind($cref) };

  return Test::More::is( @got, $exp_counts, $msg )
    unless ref $exp_counts;

  my $got_counts = { map { $_ => 0 } keys %$exp_counts };
  $got_counts->{$_}++ for @got;

  return Test::More::is_deeply(

sub is_executed_sql_bind {
  my ($self, $cref, $sqlbinds, $msg) = @_;

  local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;

  $self->throw_exception("Expecting an arrayref of SQL/Bind pairs") unless ref $sqlbinds eq 'ARRAY';

  my @expected = @$sqlbinds;

  my @got = map { $_->[1] } @{ $self->capture_executed_sql_bind($cref) };

  return Test::Builder->new->ok(1, $msg || "No queries executed while running $cref")
    if !@got and !@expected;

  require SQL::Abstract::Test;
  my $ret = 1;
  while (@expected or @got) {
    my $left = shift @got;
    my $right = shift @expected;

    # allow the right side to "simplify" the entire shebang
    if ($left and $right) {
      $left = [ @$left ];
      for my $i (1..$#$right) {
        if (
          ! ref $right->[$i]
          ref $left->[$i] eq 'ARRAY'
          @{$left->[$i]} == 2
        ) {
          $left->[$i] = $left->[$i][1]

    $ret &= SQL::Abstract::Test::is_same_sql_bind(
      \( $left || [] ),
      \( $right || [] ),

  return $ret;

our $locker;
  # we need the $locker to be referenced here for delayed destruction
  if ($locker->{lock_name} and ($ENV{DBICTEST_LOCK_HOLDER}||0) == $$) {
      and dbg "$locker->{type} LOCK RELEASED (END): $locker->{lock_name}";

    # we were using a lock-able RDBMS: if we are failing - dump the last diag
    if (
      my $tb = do {
        local $@;
        my $t = eval { Test::Builder->new }
          or warn "Test::Builder->new failed:\n$@\n";
    ) {
      $tb->diag( "\nabove test failure almost certainly happened against:\n$locker->{rdbms_connection_diag}"  )
        if (
          !defined( $tb->has_plan )
          ( $tb->has_plan ne 'no_plan' and $tb->has_plan != $tb->current_test )

my $weak_registry = {};

sub connection {
  my( $proto, @args ) = @_;


    my( $sqlac_like ) = $ENV{DBICTEST_SWAPOUT_SQLAC_WITH} =~ /(.+)/;
    Class::C3::Componentised->ensure_class_loaded( $sqlac_like );

    require DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::ClassicExtensions;
    require SQL::Abstract::Classic;


    # perl can be pretty disgusting...
    push @args, {}
      unless ref( $args[-1] ) eq 'HASH';

    $args[-1] = { %{ $args[-1] } };

    if( ref( $args[-1]{on_connect_call} ) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
      $args[-1]{on_connect_call} = [
          ? [ $args[-1]{on_connect_call} ]
          : ()
    elsif( ref( $args[-1]{on_connect_call}[0] ) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
      $args[-1]{on_connect_call} = [ map
        { [ $_ ] }
        @{ $args[-1]{on_connect_call} }

    push @{ $args[-1]{on_connect_call} }, (
      [ rebase_sqlmaker => 'DBICTest::SQLAC::SwapOut' ],

  my $self = $proto->next::method( @args );

# we can't really lock based on DSN, as we do not yet have a way to tell that e.g.
# DBICTEST_MSSQL_DSN=dbi:Sybase:server=;database=dbtst
#  and
# DBICTEST_MSSQL_ODBC_DSN=dbi:ODBC:server=;port=1433;database=dbtst;driver=FreeTDS;tds_version=8.0
# are the same server
# hence we lock everything based on sqlt_type or just globally if not available
# just pretend we are python you know? :)

  # when we get a proper DSN resolution sanitize to produce a portable lockfile name
  # this may look weird and unnecessary, but consider running tests from
  # windows over a samba share >.>
  #$dsn =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.\=])/ sprintf '~%02X', ord($1) /ge;
  #$dsn =~ s/^dbi/dbi/i;

  # provide locking for physical (non-memory) DSNs, so that tests can
  # safely run in parallel. While the harness (make -jN test) does set
  # an envvar, we can not detect when a user invokes prove -jN. Hence
  # perform the locking at all times, it shouldn't hurt.
  # the lock fh *should* inherit across forks/subprocesses
  if (
    ! $DBICTest::global_exclusive_lock
    ref($args[0]) ne 'CODE'
    ($args[0]||'') !~ /^ (?i:dbi) \: SQLite (?: \: | \W ) .*? (?: dbname\= )? (?: \:memory\: | t [\/\\] var [\/\\] DBIxClass\-) /x
  ) {

    my $locktype;

      # guard against infinite recursion
      local $ENV{DBICTEST_LOCK_HOLDER} = -1;

      # we need to work with a forced fresh clone so that we do not upset any state
      # of the main $schema (some tests examine it quite closely)
      local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
      local $@;

      # this will either give us an undef $locktype or will determine things
      # properly with a default ( possibly connecting in the process )
      eval {
        my $s = ref($self)->connect(@{$self->storage->connect_info})->storage;

        $locktype = $s->sqlt_type || 'generic';

        # in case sqlt_type did connect, doesn't matter if it fails or something

    # Never hold more than one lock. This solves the "lock in order" issues
    # unrelated tests may have
    # Also if there is no connection - there is no lock to be had
    if ($locktype and (!$locker or $locker->{type} ne $locktype)) {

      # this will release whatever lock we may currently be holding
      # which is fine since the type does not match as checked above
        and $locker
        and dbg "$locker->{type} LOCK RELEASED (UNDEF): $locker->{lock_name}";

      undef $locker;

      my $lockpath = DBICTest::RunMode->tmpdir->file("_dbictest_$locktype.lock");

        and dbg "Waiting for $locktype LOCK: $lockpath...";

      my $lock_fh;
        my $u = local_umask(0); # so that the file opens as 666, and any user can lock
        sysopen ($lock_fh, $lockpath, O_RDWR|O_CREAT) or die "Unable to open $lockpath: $!";

      await_flock ($lock_fh, LOCK_EX) or die "Unable to lock $lockpath: $!";

        and dbg "Got $locktype LOCK: $lockpath";

      # see if anyone was holding a lock before us, and wait up to 5 seconds for them to terminate
      # if we do not do this we may end up trampling over some long-running END or somesuch
      seek ($lock_fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "seek failed $!";
      my $old_pid;
      if (
        read ($lock_fh, $old_pid, 100)
        ($old_pid) = $old_pid =~ /^(\d+)$/
      ) {
          and dbg "Post-grab WAIT for $old_pid START: $lockpath";

        for (1..50) {
          kill (0, $old_pid) or last;
          sleep 0.1;

          and dbg "Post-grab WAIT for $old_pid FINISHED: $lockpath";

      truncate $lock_fh, 0;
      seek ($lock_fh, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "seek failed $!";
      print $lock_fh $$;


      $locker = {
        type => $locktype,
        fh => $lock_fh,
        lock_name => "$lockpath",

  if ($INC{'Test/'}) {
    populate_weakregistry ( $weak_registry, $self->storage );

    my $cur_connect_call = $self->storage->on_connect_call;

    # without this weaken() the sub added below *sometimes* leaks
    # ( can't reproduce locally :/ )
    weaken( my $wlocker = $locker );

      (ref $cur_connect_call eq 'ARRAY'
        ? @$cur_connect_call
        : ($cur_connect_call || ())
      [ sub { populate_weakregistry( $weak_registry, $_[0]->_dbh ) } ],
      ( !$wlocker ? () : (
        require Data::Dumper::Concise
        [ sub { ($wlocker||{})->{rdbms_connection_diag} = Data::Dumper::Concise::Dumper( $_[0]->_describe_connection() ) } ],

  return $self;

sub clone {
  my $self = shift->next::method(@_);
  populate_weakregistry ( $weak_registry, $self )
    if $INC{'Test/'};

  assert_empty_weakregistry($weak_registry, 'quiet');
