package # hide from PAUSE

use warnings;
use strict;

use base 'DBICTest::BaseResult';
use DBICTest::Util 'check_customcond_args';

# this tests table name as scalar ref

  'cdid' => {
    data_type => 'integer',
    is_auto_increment => 1,
  'artist' => {
    data_type => 'integer',
  'title' => {
    data_type => 'varchar',
    size      => 100,
  'year' => {
    data_type => 'varchar',
    size      => 100,
  'genreid' => {
    data_type => 'integer',
    is_nullable => 1,
    accessor => undef,
  'single_track' => {
    data_type => 'integer',
    is_nullable => 1,
    is_foreign_key => 1,
__PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint([ qw/artist title/ ]);

__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( artist => 'DBICTest::Schema::Artist', undef, {
    is_deferrable => 1,
    proxy => { artist_name => 'name' },
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( very_long_artist_relationship => 'DBICTest::Schema::Artist', 'artist', {
    is_deferrable => 1,

# in case this is a single-cd it promotes a track from another cd
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( single_track => 'DBICTest::Schema::Track',
  { 'foreign.trackid' => 'self.single_track' },
  { join_type => 'left'},

__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( single_track_opaque => 'DBICTest::Schema::Track',
  sub {
    my $args = &check_customcond_args;
    \ " $args->{foreign_alias}.trackid = $args->{self_alias}.single_track ";
  { join_type => 'left'},

# add a non-left single relationship for the complex prefetch tests
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( existing_single_track => 'DBICTest::Schema::Track',
  { 'foreign.trackid' => 'self.single_track' },

__PACKAGE__->has_many( tracks => 'DBICTest::Schema::Track' );
    tags => 'DBICTest::Schema::Tag', undef,
    { order_by => 'tag' },
    cd_to_producer => 'DBICTest::Schema::CD_to_Producer' => 'cd'

__PACKAGE__->has_many( twokeys => 'DBICTest::Schema::TwoKeys', 'cd' );

# the undef condition in this rel is *deliberate*
# tests oddball legacy syntax
    liner_notes => 'DBICTest::Schema::LinerNotes', undef,
    { proxy => [ qw/notes/ ] },
__PACKAGE__->might_have(artwork => 'DBICTest::Schema::Artwork', 'cd_id');
__PACKAGE__->has_one(mandatory_artwork => 'DBICTest::Schema::Artwork', 'cd_id');

__PACKAGE__->many_to_many( producers => cd_to_producer => 'producer' );
    producers_sorted => cd_to_producer => 'producer',
    { order_by => '' },

__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('genre', 'DBICTest::Schema::Genre',
        join_type => 'left',
        on_delete => 'SET NULL',
        on_update => 'CASCADE',

#This second relationship was added to test the short-circuiting of pointless
#queries provided by undef_on_null_fk. the relevant test in 66relationship.t
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('genre_inefficient', 'DBICTest::Schema::Genre',
    { 'foreign.genreid' => 'self.genreid' },
        join_type => 'left',
        on_delete => 'SET NULL',
        on_update => 'CASCADE',
        undef_on_null_fk => 0,

# This is insane. Don't ever do anything like that
# This is for testing purposes only!

# mst: mo: DBIC is an "object relational mapper"
# mst: mo: not an "object relational hider-because-mo-doesn't-understand-databases
# ribasushi: mo: try it with a subselect nevertheless, I'd love to be proven wrong
# ribasushi: mo: does sqlite actually take this?
# ribasushi: an order in a correlated subquery is insane - how long does it take you on real data?

    sub {
        # This is for test purposes only. A regular user does not
        # need to sanity check the passed-in arguments, this is what
        # the tests are for :)
        my $args = &check_customcond_args;

        return (
                "$args->{foreign_alias}.trackid" => { '=' =>
                       { '' => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.cdid" } },
                          order_by => { -desc => 'position' },
                          rows     => 1,
                          alias    => 'correlated_tracks',
                          columns  => ['trackid']
