package DBICTest::Util; use warnings; use strict; # this noop trick initializes the STDOUT, so that the TAP::Harness # issued IO::Select->can_read calls (which are blocking wtf wtf wtf) # keep spinning and scheduling jobs # This results in an overall much smoother job-queue drainage, since # the Harness blocks less # (ideally this needs to be addressed in T::H, but a quick patchjob # broke everything so tabling it for now) BEGIN { if ($INC{'Test/'}) { local $| = 1; print "#\n"; } } use constant DEBUG_TEST_CONCURRENCY_LOCKS => ( ($ENV{DBICTEST_DEBUG_CONCURRENCY_LOCKS}||'') =~ /^(\d+)$/ )[0] || 0 ; use Config; use Carp 'confess'; use Fcntl ':flock'; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr); use DBIx::Class::_Util; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw( dbg stacktrace local_umask visit_namespaces check_customcond_args await_flock DEBUG_TEST_CONCURRENCY_LOCKS ); if (DEBUG_TEST_CONCURRENCY_LOCKS) { require DBI; my $oc = DBI->can('connect'); no warnings 'redefine'; *DBI::connect = sub { DBICTest::Util::dbg("Connecting to $_[1]"); goto $oc; } } sub dbg ($) { require Time::HiRes; printf STDERR "\n%.06f %5s %-78s %s\n", scalar Time::HiRes::time(), $$, $_[0], $0, ; } # File locking is hard. Really hard. By far the best lock implementation # I've seen is part of the guts of File::Temp. However it is sadly not # reusable. Since I am not aware of folks doing NFS parallel testing, # nor are we known to work on VMS, I am just going to punt this and # use the portable-ish flock() provided by perl itself. If this does # not work for you - patches more than welcome. # # This figure esentially means "how long can a single test hold a # resource before everyone else gives up waiting and aborts" or # in other words "how long does the longest test-group legitimally run?" my $lock_timeout_minutes = 15; # yes, that's long, I know my $wait_step_seconds = 0.25; sub await_flock ($$) { my ($fh, $locktype) = @_; my ($res, $tries); while( ! ( $res = flock( $fh, $locktype | LOCK_NB ) ) and ++$tries <= $lock_timeout_minutes * 60 / $wait_step_seconds ) { select( undef, undef, undef, $wait_step_seconds ); # "say something" every 10 cycles to work around RT#108390 # jesus christ our tooling is such a crock of shit :( unless ( $tries % 10 ) { # Turning on autoflush is crucial: if stars align just right buffering # will ensure we never actually call write() underneath until the grand # timeout is reached (and that's too long). Reproducible via # # DBICTEST_VERSION_WARNS_INDISCRIMINATELY=1 \ # DBICTEST_RUN_ALL_TESTS=1 \ # strace -f \ # prove -lj10 xt/extra/internals/ # select( ( select(\*STDOUT), $|=1 )[0] ); print "#\n"; } } return $res; } sub local_umask { return unless defined $Config{d_umask}; die 'Calling local_umask() in void context makes no sense' if ! defined wantarray; my $old_umask = umask(shift()); die "Setting umask failed: $!" unless defined $old_umask; return bless \$old_umask, 'DBICTest::Util::UmaskGuard'; } { package DBICTest::Util::UmaskGuard; sub DESTROY { &DBIx::Class::_Util::detected_reinvoked_destructor; local ($@, $!); eval { defined (umask ${$_[0]}) or die }; warn ( "Unable to reset old umask ${$_[0]}: " . ($!||'Unknown error') ) if ($@ || $!); } } sub stacktrace { my $frame = shift; $frame++; my (@stack, @frame); while (@frame = caller($frame++)) { push @stack, [@frame[3,1,2]]; } return undef unless @stack; $stack[0][0] = ''; return join "\tinvoked as ", map { sprintf ("%s at %s line %d\n", @$_ ) } @stack; } sub check_customcond_args ($) { my $args = shift; confess "Expecting a hashref" unless ref $args eq 'HASH'; for (qw(rel_name foreign_relname self_alias foreign_alias)) { confess "Custom condition argument '$_' must be a plain string" if length ref $args->{$_} or ! length $args->{$_}; } confess "Current and legacy rel_name arguments do not match" if $args->{rel_name} ne $args->{foreign_relname}; confess "Custom condition argument 'self_resultsource' must be a rsrc instance" unless defined blessed $args->{self_resultsource} and $args->{self_resultsource}->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSource'); confess "Passed resultsource has no record of the supplied rel_name - likely wrong \$rsrc" unless ref $args->{self_resultsource}->relationship_info($args->{rel_name}); my $struct_cnt = 0; if (defined $args->{self_result_object} or defined $args->{self_rowobj} ) { $struct_cnt++; for (qw(self_result_object self_rowobj)) { confess "Custom condition argument '$_' must be a result instance" unless defined blessed $args->{$_} and $args->{$_}->isa('DBIx::Class::Row'); } confess "Current and legacy self_result_object arguments do not match" if refaddr($args->{self_result_object}) != refaddr($args->{self_rowobj}); } if (defined $args->{foreign_values}) { $struct_cnt++; confess "Custom condition argument 'foreign_values' must be a hash reference" unless ref $args->{foreign_values} eq 'HASH'; } confess "Data structures supplied on both ends of a relationship" if $struct_cnt == 2; $args; } sub visit_namespaces { my $args = { (ref $_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_ }; my $visited_count = 1; # A package and a namespace are subtly different things $args->{package} ||= 'main'; $args->{package} = 'main' if $args->{package} =~ /^ :: (?: main )? $/x; $args->{package} =~ s/^:://; if ( $args->{action}->($args->{package}) ) { my $ns = ( ($args->{package} eq 'main') ? '' : $args->{package} ) . '::' ; $visited_count += visit_namespaces( %$args, package => $_ ) for grep # this happens sometimes on %:: traversal { $_ ne '::main' } map { $_ =~ /^(.+?)::$/ ? "$ns$1" : () } do { no strict 'refs'; keys %$ns } ; } return $visited_count; } 1;