use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest ':DiffSQL'; my $ROWS = DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::ClassicExtensions->__rows_bindtype; my $OFFSET = DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::ClassicExtensions->__offset_bindtype; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ( { '' => { '!=', undef } }, { prefetch => 'tracks' }, ); # Database sanity check is($cd_rs->count, 5, 'CDs with tracks count'); for ($cd_rs->all) { is ($_->tracks->count, 3, '3 tracks for CD' . $_->id ); } my @cdids = sort $cd_rs->get_column ('cdid')->all; # Test a belongs_to prefetch of a has_many { my $track_rs = $schema->resultset ('Track')->search ( { '' => { -in => \@cdids } }, { select => [ '', { count => 'me.trackid' }, ], as => [qw/ cd track_count /], group_by => [qw/], prefetch => 'cd', }, ); # this used to fuck up ->all, do not remove! ok ($track_rs->first, 'There is stuff in the rs'); is($track_rs->count, 5, 'Prefetched count with groupby'); is($track_rs->all, 5, 'Prefetched objects with groupby'); $schema->is_executed_querycount( sub { while (my $collapsed_track = $track_rs->next) { my $cdid = $collapsed_track->get_column('cd'); is($collapsed_track->get_column('track_count'), 3, "Correct count of tracks for CD $cdid" ); ok($collapsed_track->cd->title, "Prefetched title for CD $cdid" ); } }, 1, 'Single query on prefetched titles'); # Test sql by hand, as the sqlite db will simply paper over # improper group/select combinations # is_same_sql_bind ( $track_rs->count_rs->as_query, '( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT FROM track me JOIN cd cd ON cd.cdid = WHERE ( IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) ) GROUP BY ) me )', [ map { [ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer', dbic_colname => '' } => $_ ] } @cdids ], 'count() query generated expected SQL', ); is_same_sql_bind ( $track_rs->as_query, '( SELECT, me.track_count, cd.cdid, cd.artist, cd.title, cd.year, cd.genreid, cd.single_track FROM ( SELECT, COUNT (me.trackid) AS track_count FROM track me JOIN cd cd ON cd.cdid = WHERE ( IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) ) GROUP BY ) me JOIN cd cd ON cd.cdid = WHERE ( IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) ) )', [ map { [ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer', dbic_colname => '' } => $_ ] } (@cdids) x 2 ], 'next() query generated expected SQL', ); # add an extra track to one of the cds, and then make sure we can get it on top # (check if limit works) my $top_cd = $cd_rs->search({}, { order_by => 'cdid' })->slice (1,1)->next; $top_cd->create_related ('tracks', { title => 'over the top', }); my $top_cd_collapsed_track = $track_rs->search ({}, { rows => 2, order_by => [ { -desc => 'track_count' }, ], }); is ($top_cd_collapsed_track->count, 2); is ( $top_cd->title, $top_cd_collapsed_track->first->cd->title, 'Correct collapsed track with prefetched CD returned on top' ); } # test a has_many/might_have prefetch at the same level # Note that one of the CDs now has 4 tracks instead of 3 { my $most_tracks_rs = $schema->resultset ('CD')->search ( { 'me.cdid' => { '!=' => undef }, # duh - this is just to test WHERE }, { prefetch => [qw/tracks liner_notes/], select => ['me.cdid', { count => 'tracks.trackid' }, { max => 'tracks.trackid', -as => 'maxtr'} ], as => [qw/cdid track_count max_track_id/], group_by => 'me.cdid', order_by => [ { -desc => 'track_count' }, { -asc => 'maxtr' } ], rows => 2, } ); is_same_sql_bind ( $most_tracks_rs->count_rs->as_query, '( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT me.cdid FROM cd me WHERE ( me.cdid IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY me.cdid LIMIT ? ) me )', [[$ROWS => 2]], 'count() query generated expected SQL', ); is_same_sql_bind ( $most_tracks_rs->as_query, '( SELECT me.cdid, me.track_count, me.maxtr, tracks.trackid,, tracks.position, tracks.title, tracks.last_updated_on, tracks.last_updated_at, liner_notes.liner_id, liner_notes.notes FROM ( SELECT me.cdid, COUNT( tracks.trackid ) AS track_count, MAX( tracks.trackid ) AS maxtr FROM cd me LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid WHERE ( me.cdid IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY me.cdid ORDER BY track_count DESC, maxtr ASC LIMIT ? ) me LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid LEFT JOIN liner_notes liner_notes ON liner_notes.liner_id = me.cdid WHERE ( me.cdid IS NOT NULL ) ORDER BY track_count DESC, maxtr ASC )', [[$ROWS => 2]], 'next() query generated expected SQL', ); is ($most_tracks_rs->count, 2, 'Limit works'); my ($top_cd) = $most_tracks_rs->all; is ($top_cd->id, 2, 'Correct cd fetched on top'); # 2 because of the slice(1,1) earlier $schema->is_executed_querycount( sub { is ($top_cd->get_column ('track_count'), 4, 'Track count fetched correctly'); is ($top_cd->tracks->count, 4, 'Count of prefetched tracks rs still correct'); is ($top_cd->tracks->all, 4, 'Number of prefetched track objects still correct'); is ( $top_cd->liner_notes->notes, 'Buy Whiskey!', 'Correct liner pre-fetched with top cd', ); }, 0, 'No queries executed during prefetched data access'); } { # test lifted from soulchild my $most_tracks_rs = $schema->resultset ('CD')->search ( { 'me.cdid' => { '!=' => undef }, # this is just to test WHERE 'tracks.trackid' => { '!=' => undef }, }, { join => 'tracks', prefetch => 'liner_notes', select => ['me.cdid', 'liner_notes.notes', { count => 'tracks.trackid', -as => 'tr_count' }, { max => 'tracks.trackid', -as => 'tr_maxid'} ], as => [qw/cdid notes track_count max_track_id/], order_by => [ { -desc => 'tr_count' }, { -asc => 'tr_maxid' } ], group_by => 'me.cdid', rows => 2, } ); is_same_sql_bind( $most_tracks_rs->as_query, '(SELECT me.cdid, liner_notes.notes, me.tr_count, me.tr_maxid, liner_notes.liner_id, liner_notes.notes FROM ( SELECT me.cdid, COUNT(tracks.trackid) AS tr_count, MAX(tracks.trackid) AS tr_maxid FROM cd me LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid WHERE me.cdid IS NOT NULL AND tracks.trackid IS NOT NULL GROUP BY me.cdid ORDER BY tr_count DESC, tr_maxid ASC LIMIT ? ) me LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid LEFT JOIN liner_notes liner_notes ON liner_notes.liner_id = me.cdid WHERE me.cdid IS NOT NULL AND tracks.trackid IS NOT NULL ORDER BY tr_count DESC, tr_maxid ASC )', [[$ROWS => 2]], 'Oddball mysql-ish group_by usage yields valid SQL', ); is ($most_tracks_rs->count, 2, 'Limit works'); my ($top_cd) = $most_tracks_rs->all; is ($top_cd->id, 2, 'Correct cd fetched on top'); # 2 because of the slice(1,1) earlier $schema->is_executed_querycount( sub { is ($top_cd->get_column ('track_count'), 4, 'Track count fetched correctly'); is ( $top_cd->liner_notes->notes, 'Buy Whiskey!', 'Correct liner pre-fetched with top cd', ); }, 0, 'No queries executed during prefetched data access'); } # make sure that distinct still works { my $rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({}, { prefetch => 'tags', order_by => 'cdid', distinct => 1, }); is_same_sql_bind ( $rs->as_query, '( SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track, tags.tagid,, tags.tag FROM ( SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track FROM cd me GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track ) me LEFT JOIN tags tags ON = me.cdid ORDER BY cdid )', [], 'Prefetch + distinct resulted in correct group_by', ); is ($rs->all, 5, 'Correct number of CD objects'); is ($rs->count, 5, 'Correct count of CDs'); } # RT 47779, test group_by as a scalar ref { my $track_rs = $schema->resultset ('Track')->search ( { '' => { -in => \@cdids } }, { select => [ '', { count => 'me.trackid' }, ], as => [qw/ cd track_count /], group_by => \'SUBSTR(, 1, 1)', prefetch => 'cd', }, ); is_same_sql_bind ( $track_rs->count_rs->as_query, '( SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT SUBSTR(, 1, 1) FROM track me JOIN cd cd ON cd.cdid = WHERE ( IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) ) GROUP BY SUBSTR(, 1, 1) ) me )', [ map { [ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer', dbic_colname => '' } => $_ ] } (@cdids) ], 'count() query generated expected SQL', ); } { my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { distinct => 1, join => [qw/ tracks /], prefetch => [qw/ artist /], }); is($cd_rs->count, 5, 'complex prefetch + non-prefetching has_many join count correct'); is($cd_rs->all, 5, 'complex prefetch + non-prefetching has_many join number of objects correct'); # make sure join tracks was thrown out is_same_sql_bind ( $cd_rs->as_query, '( SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track, artist.artistid,, artist.rank, artist.charfield FROM ( SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track FROM cd me JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track ) me JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist )', [], ); # try the same as above, but add a condition so the tracks join can not be thrown away my $cd_rs2 = $cd_rs->search ({ 'tracks.title' => { '!=' => 'ugabuganoexist' } }); is($cd_rs2->count, 5, 'complex prefetch + non-prefetching restricted has_many join count correct'); is($cd_rs2->all, 5, 'complex prefetch + non-prefetching restricted has_many join number of objects correct'); # the outer group_by seems like a necessary evil, if someone can figure out how to take it away # without breaking compat - be my guest is_same_sql_bind ( $cd_rs2->as_query, '( SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track, artist.artistid,, artist.rank, artist.charfield FROM ( SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track FROM cd me LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist WHERE ( tracks.title != ? ) GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track ) me LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist WHERE ( tracks.title != ? ) GROUP BY me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track, artist.artistid,, artist.rank, artist.charfield )', [ map { [ { sqlt_datatype => 'varchar', sqlt_size => 100, dbic_colname => 'tracks.title' } => 'ugabuganoexist' ] } (1,2) ], ); } # make sure distinct applies to the CD part only, not to the prefetched/collapsed order_by part { my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { columns => [qw( cdid title )], '+select' => [{ count => 'tags.tag' }], '+as' => ['test_count'], prefetch => ['tags'], distinct => 1, order_by => {'-desc' => 'tags.tag'}, offset => 1, rows => 3, }); is_same_sql_bind($rs->as_query, '( SELECT me.cdid, me.title, me.test_count, tags.tagid,, tags.tag FROM ( SELECT me.cdid, me.title, COUNT( tags.tag ) AS test_count FROM cd me LEFT JOIN tags tags ON = me.cdid GROUP BY me.cdid, me.title ORDER BY MAX( tags.tag ) DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ) me LEFT JOIN tags tags ON = me.cdid ORDER BY tags.tag DESC )', [ [$ROWS => 3], [$OFFSET => 1] ], 'Expected limited prefetch with distinct SQL', ); my $expected_hri = [ { cdid => 4, test_count => 2, title => "Generic Manufactured Singles", tags => [ { cd => 4, tag => "Shiny", tagid => 9 }, { cd => 4, tag => "Cheesy", tagid => 6 }, ]}, { cdid => 5, test_count => 2, title => "Come Be Depressed With Us", tags => [ { cd => 5, tag => "Cheesy", tagid => 7 }, { cd => 5, tag => "Blue", tagid => 4 }, ]}, { cdid => 1, test_count => 1, title => "Spoonful of bees", tags => [ { cd => 1, tag => "Blue", tagid => 1 }, ]}, ]; is_deeply ( $rs->all_hri, $expected_hri, 'HRI dump of limited prefetch with distinct as expected' ); # pre-multiplied main source also should work $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search_related('artist')->search_related('cds', {}, { columns => [qw( cdid title )], '+select' => [{ count => 'tags.tag' }], '+as' => ['test_count'], prefetch => ['tags'], distinct => 1, order_by => {'-desc' => 'tags.tag'}, offset => 1, rows => 3, }); is_same_sql_bind($rs->as_query, '( SELECT cds.cdid, cds.title, cds.test_count, tags.tagid,, tags.tag FROM cd me JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist JOIN ( SELECT cds.cdid, cds.title, COUNT( tags.tag ) AS test_count, cds.artist FROM cd me JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = artist.artistid LEFT JOIN tags tags ON = cds.cdid GROUP BY cds.cdid, cds.title, cds.artist ORDER BY MAX( tags.tag ) DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ) cds ON cds.artist = artist.artistid LEFT JOIN tags tags ON = cds.cdid ORDER BY tags.tag DESC )', [ [$ROWS => 3], [$OFFSET => 1] ], 'Expected limited prefetch with distinct SQL on premultiplied head', ); # Tag counts are multiplied by the cd->artist->cds multiplication # I would *almost* call this "expected" without wraping an as_subselect_rs { local $TODO = 'Not sure if we can stop the count/group of premultiplication abstraction leak'; is_deeply ( $rs->all_hri, $expected_hri, 'HRI dump of limited prefetch with distinct as expected on premultiplid head' ); } } done_testing;