use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Deep; use Test::Exception; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest ':DiffSQL'; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); lives_ok(sub { # while cds.* will be selected anyway (prefetch implies it) # only the requested column will be fetched. # reference sql with select => [...] # SELECT, cds.title, cds.cdid, cds.artist, cds.title, cds.year, cds.genreid, cds.single_track FROM ... my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search( { 'cds.title' => { '!=', 'Generic Manufactured Singles' } }, { prefetch => [ qw/ cds / ], order_by => [ { -desc => '' }, 'cds.title' ], select => [qw/ cds.title / ], }, ); is ($rs->count, 2, 'Correct number of collapsed artists'); my ($we_are_goth) = $rs->all; is ($we_are_goth->name, 'We Are Goth', 'Correct first artist'); is ($we_are_goth->cds->count, 1, 'Correct number of CDs for first artist'); is ($we_are_goth->cds->first->title, 'Come Be Depressed With Us', 'Correct cd for artist'); }, 'explicit prefetch on a keyless object works'); lives_ok ( sub { my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search( {}, { order_by => [ { -desc => 'me.year' } ], } ); my $years = [qw/ 2001 2001 1999 1998 1997/]; cmp_deeply ( [ $rs->search->get_column('me.year')->all ], $years, 'Expected years (at least one duplicate)', ); my @cds_and_tracks; for my $cd ($rs->all) { my $data = { year => $cd->year, cdid => $cd->cdid }; for my $tr ($cd->tracks->all) { push @{$data->{tracks}}, { $tr->get_columns }; } @{$data->{tracks}} = sort { $a->{trackid} <=> $b->{trackid} } @{$data->{tracks}}; push @cds_and_tracks, $data; } my $pref_rs = $rs->search ({}, { columns => [qw/year cdid/], prefetch => 'tracks' }); my @pref_cds_and_tracks; for my $cd ($pref_rs->all) { my $data = { $cd->get_columns }; for my $tr ($cd->tracks->all) { push @{$data->{tracks}}, { $tr->get_columns }; } @{$data->{tracks}} = sort { $a->{trackid} <=> $b->{trackid} } @{$data->{tracks}}; push @pref_cds_and_tracks, $data; } cmp_deeply ( \@pref_cds_and_tracks, \@cds_and_tracks, 'Correct collapsing on non-unique primary object' ); cmp_deeply ( $pref_rs->search ({}, { order_by => [ { -desc => 'me.year' }, 'trackid' ] })->all_hri, \@cds_and_tracks, 'Correct HRI collapsing on non-unique primary object' ); }, 'weird collapse lives'); lives_ok(sub { # test implicit prefetch as well my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search( { title => 'Generic Manufactured Singles' }, { join=> 'artist', select => [qw/ me.title / ], } ); my $cd = $rs->next; is ($cd->title, 'Generic Manufactured Singles', 'CD title prefetched correctly'); isa_ok ($cd->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist'); is ($cd->artist->name, 'Random Boy Band', 'Artist object has correct name'); }, 'implicit keyless prefetch works'); # sane error throws_ok( sub { $schema->resultset('Track')->search({}, { join => { cd => 'artist' }, '+columns' => '' } )->next; }, qr|\QInflation into non-existent relationship 'artist' of 'Track' requested, check the inflation specification (columns/as) ending in ''|, 'Sensible error message on mis-specified "as"', ); # check complex limiting prefetch without the join-able columns { my $pref_rs = $schema->resultset('Owners')->search({}, { rows => 3, offset => 1, order_by => 'name', columns => 'name', # only the owner name, still prefetch all the books prefetch => 'books', }); is_same_sql_bind( $pref_rs->as_query, '( SELECT,, books.source, books.owner, books.title, books.price FROM ( SELECT, FROM owners me ORDER BY name LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ) me LEFT JOIN books books ON books.owner = ORDER BY name )', [ [ { sqlt_datatype => "integer" } => 3 ], [ { sqlt_datatype => "integer" } => 1 ] ], 'Expected SQL on complex limited prefetch with non-selected join condition', ); is_deeply ( $pref_rs->all_hri, [ { name => "Waltham", books => [ { id => 3, owner => 2, price => 65, source => "Library", title => "Best Recipe Cookbook", } ], } ], 'Expected result on complex limited prefetch with non-selected join condition' ); my $empty_ordered_pref_rs = $pref_rs->search({}, { columns => [], # nothing, we only prefetch the book data order_by => '', }); my $empty_ordered_pref_hri = [ { books => [ { id => 3, owner => 2, price => 65, source => "Library", title => "Best Recipe Cookbook", } ], } ]; is_same_sql_bind( $empty_ordered_pref_rs->as_query, '( SELECT, books.source, books.owner, books.title, books.price FROM ( SELECT, FROM owners me ORDER BY LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ) me LEFT JOIN books books ON books.owner = ORDER BY )', [ [ { sqlt_datatype => "integer" } => 3 ], [ { sqlt_datatype => "integer" } => 1 ] ], 'Expected SQL on *ordered* complex limited prefetch with non-selected root data', ); is_deeply ( $empty_ordered_pref_rs->all_hri, $empty_ordered_pref_hri, 'Expected result on *ordered* complex limited prefetch with non-selected root data' ); $empty_ordered_pref_rs = $empty_ordered_pref_rs->search({}, { order_by => [ \ 'LENGTH(', \ 'RANDOM()' ], }); is_same_sql_bind( $empty_ordered_pref_rs->as_query, '( SELECT, books.source, books.owner, books.title, books.price FROM ( SELECT, FROM owners me ORDER BY LENGTH(, RANDOM() LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ) me LEFT JOIN books books ON books.owner = ORDER BY LENGTH(, RANDOM() )', [ [ { sqlt_datatype => "integer" } => 3 ], [ { sqlt_datatype => "integer" } => 1 ] ], 'Expected SQL on *function-ordered* complex limited prefetch with non-selected root data', ); is_deeply ( $empty_ordered_pref_rs->all_hri, $empty_ordered_pref_hri, 'Expected result on *function-ordered* complex limited prefetch with non-selected root data' ); } done_testing;