use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); my $artist = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->find ({artistid => 1}); is ($artist->cds->count, 3, 'Correct number of CDs'); is ($artist->cds->search_related ('genre')->count, 1, 'Only one of the cds has a genre'); $schema->is_executed_querycount( sub { my $pref = $schema->resultset ('Artist') ->search ({ 'me.artistid' => $artist->id }, { prefetch => { cds => 'genre' } }) ->next; is ($pref->cds->count, 3, 'Correct number of CDs prefetched'); is ($pref->cds->search_related ('genre')->count, 1, 'Only one of the prefetched cds has a prefetched genre'); }, 1, 'All happened within one query only'); done_testing;