1.0000 - December 28, 2016
 * WARNING: Breaks compatibility.
 * New options hashref on put and post methods.
 * Uploads no longer work unless you pass an option for uploading.
 * Now allows for multiple copies of the same param to be posted.

0.0402 - March 9, 2016
 * Fix links to bug tracker.
 * Fix test returning environment variables.

0.0401 - July 1, 2013
 * Require the newest version of HTTP::Tiny to get around the IO::Socket::SSL problems for SSL_verify_mode

0.0400 - June 21, 2013
 * Fix git merge issues with HTTP::Thin branch
 * Push out another release since I forgot the changelog notice for 0.0300

0.0200 - June 18, 2013
 * Add requirement HTTP::CookieJar to keep track of cookies sent by the Wing server.
 * Move from LWP::UserAgent to HTTP::Thin internally.
 * Add tests

0.0100 - May 31, 2013
 * Initial public release.