package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker; { $Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::VERSION = '4.300029'; } # ABSTRACT: build a Makefile.PL that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker use Moose; use Moose::Autobox; use namespace::autoclean; use Config; use Data::Dumper (); use List::MoreUtils qw(any uniq); use Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory; use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Runner; has eumm_version => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => '6.30', ); has 'make_path' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => $Config{make} || 'make', ); has '_runner' => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, handles => [qw(build test)], default => sub { my ($self) = @_; Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker::Runner->new({ zilla => $self->zilla, plugin_name => $self->plugin_name . '::Runner', make_path => $self->make_path, }); }, ); # This is here, rather than at the top, so that the "build" and "test" methods # will exist, as they are required by BuildRunner and TestRunner respectively. # I had originally fixed this with stub methods, but stub methods to not behave # properly with this use case until Moose 2.0300. -- rjbs, 2012-02-08 with qw( Dist::Zilla::Role::BuildRunner Dist::Zilla::Role::InstallTool Dist::Zilla::Role::PrereqSource Dist::Zilla::Role::TestRunner Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplate ); my $template = q! use strict; use warnings; {{ $perl_prereq ? qq[use $perl_prereq;] : ''; }} use ExtUtils::MakeMaker {{ $eumm_version }}; {{ $share_dir_code{preamble} || '' }} my {{ $WriteMakefileArgs }} unless ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.56) } ) { my $br = delete $WriteMakefileArgs{BUILD_REQUIRES}; my $pp = $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM}; for my $mod ( keys %$br ) { if ( exists $pp->{$mod} ) { $pp->{$mod} = $br->{$mod} if $br->{$mod} > $pp->{$mod}; } else { $pp->{$mod} = $br->{$mod}; } } } delete $WriteMakefileArgs{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.52) }; WriteMakefile(%WriteMakefileArgs); {{ $share_dir_code{postamble} || '' }} !; sub register_prereqs { my ($self) = @_; $self->zilla->register_prereqs( { phase => 'configure' }, 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => $self->eumm_version, ); return unless keys %{ $self->zilla->_share_dir_map }; $self->zilla->register_prereqs( { phase => 'configure' }, 'File::ShareDir::Install' => 0.03, ); } sub share_dir_code { my ($self) = @_; my $share_dir_code = {}; my $share_dir_map = $self->zilla->_share_dir_map; if ( keys %$share_dir_map ) { my $preamble = qq{use File::ShareDir::Install;\n}; if ( my $dist_share_dir = $share_dir_map->{dist} ) { $dist_share_dir = quotemeta $dist_share_dir; $preamble .= qq{install_share dist => "$dist_share_dir";\n}; } if ( my $mod_map = $share_dir_map->{module} ) { for my $mod ( keys %$mod_map ) { my $mod_share_dir = quotemeta $mod_map->{$mod}; $preamble .= qq{install_share module => "$mod", "$mod_share_dir";\n}; } } $share_dir_code->{preamble} = $preamble; $share_dir_code->{postamble} = qq{\{\npackage\nMY;\nuse File::ShareDir::Install qw(postamble);\n\}\n}; } return $share_dir_code; } sub write_makefile_args { my ($self) = @_; (my $name = $self->zilla->name) =~ s/-/::/g; my @exe_files = $self->zilla->find_files(':ExecFiles')->map(sub { $_->name })->flatten; $self->log_fatal("can't install files with whitespace in their names") if grep { /\s/ } @exe_files; my %test_dirs; for my $file ($self->zilla->files->flatten) { next unless $file->name =~ m{\At/.+\.t\z}; (my $dir = $file->name) =~ s{/[^/]+\.t\z}{/*.t}g; $test_dirs{ $dir } = 1; } my $prereqs = $self->zilla->prereqs; my $perl_prereq = $prereqs->requirements_for(qw(runtime requires)) ->clone ->add_requirements($prereqs->requirements_for(qw(build requires))) ->as_string_hash->{perl}; $perl_prereq = version->parse($perl_prereq)->numify if $perl_prereq; my $prereqs_dump = sub { $prereqs->requirements_for(@_) ->clone ->clear_requirement('perl') ->as_string_hash; }; my $build_prereq = $prereqs->requirements_for(qw(build requires)) ->clone ->add_requirements($prereqs->requirements_for(qw(test requires))) ->clear_requirement('perl') ->as_string_hash; my %write_makefile_args = ( DISTNAME => $self->zilla->name, NAME => $name, AUTHOR => $self->zilla->authors->join(q{, }), ABSTRACT => $self->zilla->abstract, VERSION => $self->zilla->version, LICENSE => $self->zilla->license->meta_yml_name, EXE_FILES => [ @exe_files ], CONFIGURE_REQUIRES => $prereqs_dump->(qw(configure requires)), BUILD_REQUIRES => $build_prereq, PREREQ_PM => $prereqs_dump->(qw(runtime requires)), test => { TESTS => join q{ }, sort keys %test_dirs }, ); $write_makefile_args{MIN_PERL_VERSION} = $perl_prereq if $perl_prereq; return \%write_makefile_args; } sub setup_installer { my ($self, $arg) = @_; my $write_makefile_args = $self->write_makefile_args; $self->__write_makefile_args($write_makefile_args); # save for testing my $perl_prereq = delete $write_makefile_args->{MIN_PERL_VERSION}; my $makefile_args_dumper = Data::Dumper->new( [ $write_makefile_args ], [ '*WriteMakefileArgs' ], ); $makefile_args_dumper->Sortkeys( 1 ); $makefile_args_dumper->Indent( 1 ); $makefile_args_dumper->Useqq( 1 ); my $content = $self->fill_in_string( $template, { eumm_version => \($self->eumm_version), perl_prereq => \$perl_prereq, share_dir_code => $self->share_dir_code, WriteMakefileArgs => \($makefile_args_dumper->Dump), }, ); my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => 'Makefile.PL', content => $content, }); $self->add_file($file); return; } # XXX: Just here to facilitate testing. -- rjbs, 2010-03-20 has __write_makefile_args => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', ); __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker - build a Makefile.PL that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 VERSION version 4.300029 =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin will produce an L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>-powered F<Makefile.PL> for the distribution. If loaded, the L<Manifest|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest> plugin should also be loaded. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 eumm_version This option declares the version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker required to configure and build the distribution. It defaults to 6.30, which ensures a working C<INSTALL_BASE>. It can be safely set to earlier versions, although I<no testing has been done to determine the minimum version actually required>. =head2 make_path This option sets the path to F<make>, used to build your dist and run tests. It defaults to the value for C<make> in L<Config>, or to C<make> if that isn't set. You probably won't need to set this option. =head1 SEE ALSO Core Dist::Zilla plugins: L<@Basic|Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Basic>, L<ModuleBuild|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild>, L<Manifest|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest>. Dist::Zilla roles: L<BuildRunner|Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer>, L<InstallTool|Dist::Zilla::Role::InstallTool>, L<PrereqSource|Dist::Zilla::Role::PrereqSource>, L<TestRunner|Dist::Zilla::Role::TestRunner>. =head1 AUTHOR Ricardo SIGNES <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Ricardo SIGNES. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut