use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 0.88; use File::pushd qw/pushd/; use Dist::Zilla::Path; use Test::DZil; use Dist::Zilla::App::Tester; use YAML::Tiny; use Test::File::ShareDir -share => { -module => { 'Dist::Zilla::MintingProfile::Default' => 'profiles' }, }; my $tzil = Minter->_new_from_profile( [ Default => 'default' ], { name => 'DZT-Minty', }, { global_config_root => 'corpus/global' }, ); $tzil->mint_dist; my $pm = $tzil->slurp_file('mint/lib/DZT/'); like( $pm, qr/package DZT::Minty;/, "our new module has the package declaration we want", ); my $distini = $tzil->slurp_file('mint/dist.ini'); like( $distini, qr/copyright_holder = A. U. Thor/, "copyright_holder in dist.ini", ); { my $result = test_dzil( $tzil->tempdir->child('mint')->absolute, [qw(add Foo::Bar)] ); ok(!$result->{exit_code}) || diag($result->{error}); my $pm = path($result->{tempdir})->child('source/lib/Foo/')->slurp; like( $pm, qr/package Foo::Bar;/, "our second module has the package declaration we want", ); } done_testing;