package Dist::Zilla::Tester 6.027;
# ABSTRACT: a testing-enabling stand-in for Dist::Zilla

use Moose;
extends 'Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder';

use Dist::Zilla::Pragmas;

use autodie;
use Dist::Zilla::Chrome::Test;
use File::pushd ();
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp;
use Dist::Zilla::Path;

use Sub::Exporter::Util ();
use Sub::Exporter -setup => {
  exports => [
    Builder => sub { $_[0]->can('builder') },
    Minter  => sub { $_[0]->can('minter')  },

  groups  => [ default => [ qw(Builder Minter) ] ],

use namespace::autoclean -except => 'import';

sub from_config {
  my ($self, @arg) = @_;

  # The only thing using a local time zone should be NextRelease.  Normally it
  # defaults to "local," but since some users won't have an automatically
  # determinable time zone, we'll switch to not-local times for testing.
  # -- rjbs, 2015-11-26
  local $Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextRelease::DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE = 'GMT';

  return $self->builder->from_config(@arg);

sub builder { 'Dist::Zilla::Tester::_Builder' }

sub minter { 'Dist::Zilla::Tester::_Minter' }


  use Moose::Role;

  has tempdir_root => (
    is => 'rw', isa => 'Str|Undef',
    writer => '_set_tempdir_root',
  has tempdir_obj => (
    is => 'ro', isa => 'File::Temp::Dir',
    clearer => '_clear_tempdir_obj',
    writer => '_set_tempdir_obj',

  sub DEMOLISH {}
  around DEMOLISH => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $self = shift;

    # File::Temp deletes the directory when it goes out of scope

    rmdir $self->tempdir_root if $self->tempdir_root;
    return $self->$orig(@_);

  has tempdir => (
    is   => 'ro',
    writer   => '_set_tempdir',
    init_arg => undef,

  sub clear_log_events {
    my ($self) = @_;

  sub log_events {
    my ($self) = @_;

  sub log_messages {
    my ($self) = @_;
    [ map {; $_->{message} } @{ $self->chrome->logger->events } ];

  sub slurp_file {
    my ($self, $filename) = @_;


  sub slurp_file_raw {
    my ($self, $filename) = @_;


  sub _metadata_generator_id { 'Dist::Zilla::Tester' }

  no Moose::Role;

  package Dist::Zilla::Tester::_Builder 6.027;

  use Moose;
  extends 'Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder';
  with 'Dist::Zilla::Tester::_Role';

  use File::Copy::Recursive 0.41 qw(dircopy);
  use Dist::Zilla::Path;

  our $Log_Events = [];
  sub most_recent_log_events {
    return @{ $Log_Events }

  around from_config => sub {
    my ($orig, $self, $arg, $tester_arg) = @_;

    confess "dist_root required for from_config" unless $arg->{dist_root};

    my $source = $arg->{dist_root};

    my $tempdir_root = exists $tester_arg->{tempdir_root}
                     ? $tester_arg->{tempdir_root}
                     : 'tmp';

    mkdir $tempdir_root if defined $tempdir_root and not -d $tempdir_root;

    my $tempdir_obj = File::Temp->newdir(
      CLEANUP => 1,
      (defined $tempdir_root ? (DIR => $tempdir_root) : ()),

    my $tempdir = path( path($tempdir_obj)->absolute) ;

    my $root = $tempdir->child('source');

    dircopy($source, $root);

    if ($tester_arg->{also_copy}) {
      while (my ($src, $dest) = each %{ $tester_arg->{also_copy} }) {
        dircopy($src, $tempdir->child($dest));

    if (my $files = $tester_arg->{add_files}) {
      while (my ($name, $content) = each %$files) {
        die "Unix path '$name' does not seem to be portable to the current OS"
          if !unix_path_seems_portable($name);
        my $fn = $tempdir->child($name);

    local $arg->{dist_root} = "$root";
    local $arg->{chrome} = Dist::Zilla::Chrome::Test->new;

    $Log_Events = $arg->{chrome}->logger->events;

    local @INC = @INC;

    my $had_dot;
    if ($INC[-1] eq '.') {
      $had_dot = 1;
      pop @INC;

    @INC = map {; ref($_) ? $_ : File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } @INC;

    push @INC, '.' if $had_dot;

    # We do this so that . in @INC will find plugins like [=inc::YourFace]
    # -- rjbs, 2016-04-24
    my $wd = File::pushd::pushd($arg->{dist_root});

    $ENV{DZIL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT} = $tester_arg->{global_config_root}
      if defined $tester_arg->{global_config_root};

    my $zilla = $self->$orig($arg);


    return $zilla;

  around build_in => sub {
    my ($orig, $self, $target) = @_;

    # Sometimes, we can't get a local time zone.  When that happens, we're just
    # going to pretend to be in UTC.  We don't do this during actual runtime
    # because the user can fix their own environment, but we'll let them do
    # that after they get the software installed. -- rjbs, 2020-01-26
    my $ok = eval { DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'local'); 1 };
    local $ENV{TZ} = $ok ? $ENV{TZ} : 'UTC';

    # XXX: We *must eliminate* the need for this!  It's only here because right
    # now building a dist with (root <> cwd) doesn't work. -- rjbs, 2010-03-08
    my $wd = File::pushd::pushd($self->root);

    $target ||= do {
      my $target = path($self->tempdir)->child('build');

    return $self->$orig($target);

  around ['test', 'release'] => sub {
    my ($orig, $self) = @_;

    # XXX: We *must eliminate* the need for this!  It's only here because right
    # now building a dist with (root <> cwd) doesn't work. -- rjbs, 2010-03-08
    my $wd = File::pushd::pushd($self->root);

    return $self->$orig;

  no Moose;

  sub unix_path_seems_portable {
    return 1 if $^O eq "linux"; # this check only makes sense on non-unixes

    my ($unix_path) = @_;

    # split the  $unix_path into 3 strings: $volume, $directories, $file; with:
    my @native_parts = File::Spec->splitpath($unix_path); # current OS rules
    my @unix_parts = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath($unix_path); # unix rules
    return unless join(qq{\0}, @native_parts) eq join(qq{\0}, @unix_parts);

    # split the $directories string into a list of the sub-directories; with:
    my @native_dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($native_parts[1]); # current OS rules
    my @unix_dirs = File::Spec::Unix->splitdir($unix_parts[1]); # unix rules
    return unless join(qq{\0}, @native_dirs) eq join(qq{\0}, @unix_dirs);

    return 1;

  package Dist::Zilla::Tester::_Minter 6.027;

  use Moose;
  extends 'Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter';
  with 'Dist::Zilla::Tester::_Role';

  use File::Copy::Recursive 0.41 qw(dircopy);
  use Dist::Zilla::Path;

  our $Log_Events = [];
  sub most_recent_log_events {
    return @{ $Log_Events }

  sub _mint_target_dir {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $name = $self->name;
    my $dir  = $self->tempdir->child('mint')->absolute;

    $self->log_fatal("$dir already exists") if -e $dir;

    return $dir;

  sub _setup_global_config {
    my ($self, $dir, $arg) = @_;

    my $config_base = path($dir)->child('config');

    my $stash_registry = {};

    require Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::GlobalConfig;
    require Dist::Zilla::MVP::Section;
    my $assembler = Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::GlobalConfig->new({
      chrome => $arg->{chrome},
      stash_registry => $stash_registry,
      section_class  => 'Dist::Zilla::MVP::Section', # make this DZMA default

    require Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Finder;
    my $reader = Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Finder->new;

    my $seq = $reader->read_config($config_base, { assembler => $assembler });

    return $stash_registry;

  around _new_from_profile => sub {
    my ($orig, $self, $profile_data, $arg, $tester_arg) = @_;

    # Sometimes, we can't get a local time zone.  When that happens, we're just
    # going to pretend to be in UTC.  We don't do this during actual runtime
    # because the user can fix their own environment, but we'll let them do
    # that after they get the software installed. -- rjbs, 2020-01-26
    my $ok = eval { DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'local'); 1 };
    local $ENV{TZ} = $ok ? $ENV{TZ} : 'UTC';

    my $tempdir_root = exists $tester_arg->{tempdir_root}
                     ? $tester_arg->{tempdir_root}
                     : 'tmp';

    mkdir $tempdir_root if defined $tempdir_root and not -d $tempdir_root;

    my $tempdir_obj = File::Temp->newdir(
        CLEANUP => 1,
        (defined $tempdir_root ? (DIR => $tempdir_root) : ()),
    my $tempdir = path($tempdir_obj)->absolute;

    local $arg->{chrome} = Dist::Zilla::Chrome::Test->new;
    $Log_Events = $arg->{chrome}->logger->events;

    local @INC = map {; ref($_) ? $_ : File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } @INC;

    my $global_config_root = path($tester_arg->{global_config_root})->absolute;

    local $ENV{DZIL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_ROOT} = $global_config_root;

    my $global_stashes = $self->_setup_global_config(
      { chrome => $arg->{chrome} },

    local $arg->{_global_stashes} = $global_stashes;

    my $zilla = $self->$orig($profile_data, $arg);


    return $zilla;

no Moose; # XXX: namespace::autoclean caused problems -- rjbs, 2011-08-19



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=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Tester - a testing-enabling stand-in for Dist::Zilla

=head1 VERSION

version 6.027


This module should work on any version of perl still receiving updates from
the Perl 5 Porters.  This means it should work on any version of perl released
in the last two to three years.  (That is, if the most recently released
version is v5.40, then this module should work on both v5.40 and v5.38.)

Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the
minimum required version will not be increased.  The version may be increased
for any reason, and there is no promise that patches will be accepted to lower
the minimum required perl.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES 😏 <>


This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
