use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More 0.88;
use Test::DZil;
use Test::Fatal;

sub mkconfig {
  my $root = shift;
  my $t = Builder->from_config( { dist_root => $root }, { add_files => { 'source/dist.ini' => simple_ini(@_) } } );
  return $t;

sub testeval(&&) {
  my ( $evaler, $testcode ) = @_;
  local $@;
  eval { $evaler->(); };
  my $lasterror = $@;
  $lasterror = undef if $lasterror eq "";
  $testcode->( defined $lasterror, $lasterror );

subtest "no main_module + No Gatherdir + Legit Filesystem" => sub {
  my $error = exception {
    mkconfig( 'corpus/dist/DZT', [ Prereqs => { 'Test::Simple' => 0.88 } ] )->main_module
  ok( $error, 'fails with no main_module' );
  like( $error, qr/didn't find any files in your dist/, 'tells users there are no files in dist' );
  like( $error, qr{tried to guess 'lib/DZT/'}, 'tells user what we expected to find' );

subtest "no main_module + gatherdir + legit filesystem" => sub {
  my $error = exception {
    mkconfig( 'corpus/dist/DZT', 'GatherDir', [ Prereqs => { 'Test::Simple' => 0.88 } ] )->main_module
  ok( !$error, 'should not fail with main_module' );

subtest "no main_module + gatherdir + bogus filesystem" => sub {
  my $error = exception {
    mkconfig( 'corpus/dist/DZT_NoPm', 'GatherDir', [ Prereqs => { 'Test::Simple' => 0.88 } ] )->main_module
  ok( $error, 'fails with no main_module' );
  like( $error, qr{tried to guess 'lib/DZT/'}, 'tells user what we expected to find' );
  like( $error, qr{We didn't find any \.pm files},      'tells the user there are no pm files' );

subtest "bad main_module, no gatherdir, legit filesystem" => sub {
  my $error = exception {
    mkconfig( 'corpus/dist/DZT', { main_module => 'lib/Bogus/' }, [ Prereqs => { 'Test::Simple' => 0.88 } ] )->main_module;
  ok( $error, 'should fail with missing main_module' );
  like( $error, qr/didn't find any files in your dist/, 'tells users there are no files in dist' );
  like( $error, qr{but the file 'lib/Bogus/' is not to be found}, 'tells user their main_module was fubar' );

subtest "bad main_module, gatherdir, legit filesystem" => sub {
  my $error = exception {
    mkconfig( 'corpus/dist/DZT', { main_module => 'lib/Bogus/' },
    'GatherDir', [ Prereqs => { 'Test::Simple' => 0.88 } ] )->main_module;
  ok( $error, 'should fail with missing main_module' );
  like( $error, qr{but the file 'lib/Bogus/' is not to be found}, 'tells user their main_module was fubar' );

subtest "bad main_module, gatherdir, bogus filesystem" => sub {
  my $error = exception {
      'corpus/dist/DZT_NoPm', { main_module => 'lib/Bogus/' },
      'GatherDir', [ Prereqs => { 'Test::Simple' => 0.88 } ]
  ok( $error, 'should fail with missing main_module' );
  like( $error, qr{but the file 'lib/Bogus/' is not to be found}, 'tells user their main_module was fubar' );
  like( $error, qr{We didn't find any \.pm files}, 'tells the user there are no pm files' );
