use strict; use warnings; use Test::More 0.88; use ExtUtils::Manifest 'maniread'; use Test::DZil; use Path::Tiny; my $tzil = Builder->from_config( { dist_root => 'corpus/dist/DZT' }, { add_files => { 'source/dist.ini' => simple_ini( [ GatherDir => ], [ GatherDir => BonusFiles => { root => '../corpus/extra', prefix => 'bonus', } ], [ GatherDir => DottyFiles => { root => '../corpus/extra', prefix => 'dotty', include_dotfiles => 1, } ], [ GatherDir => Selective => { root => '../corpus/extra', prefix => 'some', exclude_filename => [ 'notme.txt', 'subdir/index.html' ], } ], [ GatherDir => SelectiveMatch => { root => '../corpus/extra', prefix => 'xmatch', exclude_match => [ 'notme\.*', '^subdir/index\.html$' ], } ], [ GatherDir => Symlinks => { root => '../corpus/extra', follow_symlinks => 1, prefix => 'links', } ], [ GatherDir => PruneDirectory => { root => '../corpus/extra', prefix => 'pruned', prune_directory => '^subdir$', } ], 'Manifest', 'MetaConfig', ), 'source/.profile' => "Bogus dotfile.\n", 'corpus/extra/.dotfile' => "Bogus dotfile.\n", 'corpus/extra/notme.txt' => "A file to exclude.\n", 'source/.dotdir/extra/notme.txt' => "Another file to exclude.\n", 'source/extra/.dotdir/notme.txt' => "Another file to exclude.\n", }, also_copy => { 'corpus/extra' => 'corpus/extra', 'corpus/global' => 'corpus/global' }, }, ); my $corpus_dir = path($tzil->tempdir)->child('corpus'); if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' && $^O ne 'msys') { symlink $corpus_dir->child('extra', 'vader.txt'), $corpus_dir->child('extra', 'vader_link.txt') or note "could not create link: $!"; # link must be to something that is not otherwise being gathered, or we get duplicate errors symlink $corpus_dir->child('global'), $corpus_dir->child('extra', 'global_link') or note "could not create link: $!"; } $tzil->chrome->logger->set_debug(1); $tzil->build; my @files = map {; $_->name } @{ $tzil->files }; is_filelist( [ @files ], [ qw( bonus/subdir/index.html bonus/vader.txt bonus/notme.txt dotty/subdir/index.html dotty/vader.txt dotty/.dotfile dotty/notme.txt some/vader.txt xmatch/vader.txt links/vader.txt links/subdir/index.html links/notme.txt pruned/notme.txt pruned/vader.txt dist.ini lib/DZT/ t/basic.t MANIFEST ), ($^O ne 'MSWin32' && $^O ne 'msys' ? ('links/global_link/config.ini') : ()), ($^O ne 'MSWin32' && $^O ne 'msys' ? (map { $_ . '/vader_link.txt' } qw(bonus dotty some xmatch links pruned)) : ()), ], "GatherDir gathers all files in the source dir", ); my $manifest = maniread($tzil->tempdir->child('build/MANIFEST')->stringify); my $count = grep { exists $manifest->{$_} } @files; ok($count == @files, "all files found were in manifest"); ok(keys(%$manifest) == @files, "all files in manifest were on disk"); diag 'got log messages: ', explain $tzil->log_messages if not Test::Builder->new->is_passing; my @to_remove; TODO: { todo_skip('MSWin32 - skipping symlink test', 1) if $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'msys'; # tmp/tmp -> tmp/private/tmp my $real_tmp = path('tmp', 'private', 'tmp'); mkpath $real_tmp; my $link_tmp = path('tmp', 'tmp'); symlink 'private/tmp', 'tmp/tmp'; push @to_remove, [ $real_tmp, $link_tmp ]; my $tzil = Builder->from_config( { dist_root => 'corpus/dist' }, { add_files => { 'source/dist.ini' => simple_ini( [ GatherDir => { root => 'DZ1' } ], ), }, tempdir_root => 'tmp/tmp', }, ); $tzil->chrome->logger->set_debug(1); $tzil->build; my @files = map {; $_->name } @{ $tzil->files }; is_filelist( [ @files ], [ qw(dist.ini lib/ ], "GatherDir gathers all files in the source dir (canonically corpus/dist/DZ1)", ); diag 'got log messages: ', explain $tzil->log_messages if not Test::Builder->new->is_passing; } for my $pair (@to_remove) { $pair->[0]->remove_tree; $pair->[1]->remove; } done_testing;