Revision history for Perl extension Email::Abstract.

2.132   2007-03-22
        packaging improvements

2.131   2006-08-22
        pod tests

2.13    2006-07-24
        test for and permit passing Email::Abstract objects to Email::Abstract
        class methods

2.12    2006-07-24
        don't use MIME::Entity in test if it's not available

2.11    2006-07-22
        better test planning

2.10    2006-07-21
        add a new method to create wrapper objects
        handle subclasses /properly/ (correct ISA order)
        improved tests and test coverage
        miscellaneous refactoring
        update PEP URL
        update documentation

2.01    2004-11-04
        Minor Documentation Fix
        Author Change
        PEP Contact Added

2.0     2004-08-25 12:12:37 BST
        Handle subclasses

0.01    2004-05-26 16:47 20
        original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
          -AX -b 5.6.0 -n Email::Abstract