Revision history for Email-Abstract.

3.006     2013-09-01 08:41:48 America/New_York
          require Email::Simple 1.998 to allow ->new(\$string)

3.005     2013-07-30 09:57:36 America/New_York
          repackage, update bug tracker, etc.

          provide raw body on multipart Email::MIME messages (thanks,
          [ #77624]

3.004     2011-02-18

          If present, MIME::Entity must be v5.501; v5.500 had a regression (or
          a bug fix, depending how you look at it) that broke header-reading.
          While technically older versions that are not 5.500 would work, it is
          much simpler to just require the newest version, rather than to
          support a version range with a hole in it.

3.003     2010-11-08
          replace Class::ISA with mro (MRO::Compat)

3.002     2010-06-11
          avoid a warning in MailInternet with zero headers found

3.001     2008-12-11
          declare our prereq on Scalar::Util

3.000     2008-12-09
          accept scalar references for more efficient msg-from-string

2.134     2007-11-16
          (no code changes from previous dev release)

2.133_05  2007-11-11
          [BUG FIXES]
          added is_available method to MIMEEntity plugin

2.133_04  2007-09-24
          created Email::Abstract::Plugin base class; please use it!
          added is_available method to plugins

          [BUG FIXES]
          is_available in the Mail::Internet adapter should solve header
            folding issues (by preventing you from using it when it can't work)

2.133_03  2007-08-??
          diagnostics in output to indicate what version of a module we used

2.133_02  2007-07-??
          fix test planning

2.133_01  2007-07-??
          add test to ensure that "can't handle" exception is thrown ASAP
          remove unexplained requirement for perl 5.6
          fix Mail::Internet header fetching to unfold headers
          fix Mail::Message body setter, which hosed newlines
          fix body handling for Mail::Internet
          improved consistency of method used to find adapter class
          improved tests and test coverage

2.132     2007-03-22
          packaging improvements

2.131     2006-08-22
          pod tests

2.13      2006-07-24
          test for and permit passing Email::Abstract objects to Email::Abstract
          class methods

2.12      2006-07-24
          don't use MIME::Entity in test if it's not available

2.11      2006-07-22
          better test planning

2.10      2006-07-21
          add a new method to create wrapper objects
          handle subclasses /properly/ (correct ISA order)
          improved tests and test coverage
          miscellaneous refactoring
          update PEP URL
          update documentation

2.01      2004-11-04
          Minor Documentation Fix
          Author Change
          PEP Contact Added

2.0       2004-08-25 12:12:37 BST
          Handle subclasses

0.01      2004-05-26 16:47 20
          original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
            -AX -b 5.6.0 -n Email::Abstract