0.853     2007-03-23
          packaging improvements

0.852     2006-08-22

0.851     2006-08-01
          use ExtUtils::MakeMaker, to standardize PEP
          add pod coverage tests and improve coverage

0.85      Tuesday 4th April, 2006
          Fix clobbering of $_ in Mbox.pm
          Put FH in binmode to fix non-ascii mails on Windows   

0.84      Friday 17th December, 2004
          Added in ability for subclasses of Email::Folder::Mbox to override
          IO::File creation.

          Added in information about Perl Email Project

          Added Email::Folder::MH by Ricardo SIGNES

0.83      Sunday 9th May, 2004
          Rerelease without a broken manifest (rt.cpan.org $6049)

0.82      Monday 22nd March, 2003
          Add Email::Folder::Ezmlm to the dist.

          Switch to a trad Makefile.PL

          Slow down the release numbering a bit.  I'd like to be stable at
          the point of 1.0 or so.

          Added ->reader as an accessor to the Email::Reader subclass

          Added ->tell to ::Mbox, and seek_to as an option

0.8       29th May, 2003
          mboxcl2 handling is now a little more paranoid, and will recover from 
          bad values

          Mbox.pm now expects the From_ line to match either of
              /^From (?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)/
              /^From \S+\s+(?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)/
          (based on mutt mbox.c/from.c)

          Document that ->messages is a one-shot operation.

0.7       Tuesday 27th May, 2003
          Mbox.pm can grok mboxcl2

          INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Email::Folder::Mbox now takes line endings as
          an explicit option rather than trying to guess.

0.6       Sunday 11th May, 2003
          Rename the files in the test maildir so we can unpack in Win32 systems
          Release with a auto-generated Makefile.PL, for CPAN.pm users

0.5       Tuesday 29th April, 2003
          Add iterator interface, plus move the backends to be classes

0.4       Thursday 24th April, 2003
          Add line-ending detection to Email::Folder::MBox
          temporarily disable signing, as it's confusing

0.3       Tuesday 22nd April, 2003
          Just another release of 0.2, now that CPAN repects my authoritay!

0.2       Tuesday 22nd April, 2003
          Lose the (hidden) dependency on UNIVERSAL::require

0.1       Initial version
          Very rough idea