Revision history for Perl extension Email::MIME.

1.911   2012-07-22
        require a newer Email::Simple and cope with its improved line ending

1.910   2011-09-12

        document the header_str arg to ->create more thoroughly (i.e., at all)

1.909   2011-09-08

        dial the perl prereq back to 5.8.1 by popular demand... actually

1.908   2011-06-01

        dial the perl prereq back to 5.8.1 by popular demand

1.907   2011-02-02

        require 5.8.5 for sane encoding

        be more lenient with Content-Tranfser-Encoding values; stop at

1.906   2010-10-07
        update our prereq on Test::More to 0.88

1.905   2010-09-06
        fix a long-standing bug that prevent walk_parts from reaching all parts
        (thanks, Erik Logtenberg)

1.904   2010-09-04
        eliminate memory leak in walk_parts (reported by MKANAT, RT #59581)

1.903   2009-12-23
        correct typo in body_set_str (RT #53004) (thanks, Herbert Leitz)

1.902   2009-11-11
        allow for padding spaces in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header
        (Geraint Edwards)

1.901   2009-11-05
        bump up Email::MIME::Encodings version required

1.900   2009-11-03
        merge in Email-MIME-Modifier and Email-MIME-Creator
        add better support for Unicode with body_str, header_str_set, etc.

1.863   2009-01-30
        no code changes
        add strangely missing copyright information

1.862   2009-01-22
        add repository location metadata
        always require Encode, never MIME::Words; this means that using
          Email::MIME on pre-5.008 will be difficult, if not impossible
        if a header can't be decoded, fall back to the raw header
        move decoding methods to Email::MIME::Header, add header_raw

1.861   2007-11-05
        added perl-minver.t -- Email::MIME requires perl >= 5.006
        we now require Email::Simple 2.003

1.860   2007-07-13
        tentative tweak to tests and C-T-E handling for charset
        probably needs more research, testing, and fixing

1.859   2007-03-20
        minor test improvements
        add "subparts" method

1.858   2007-02-09
        fixed laxity which allowed leading newlines in parts passed to 'new'
          for instantiation; this only broke when used with Email::Simple 1.998
        Shout out to all my former co-workers from General Cinemas unit 858!
          This version is for you.

1.857   2006-11-27
        further severing of Email::MIME from ::Simple's guts

1.856   2006-11-27
        reduce the extent to which Email::MIME touches Email::Simple guts
        improve documentation a bit
        improve packaging

1.855   2006-11-19
1.854   2006-11-12
        fix as_string to work with latest Email::Simple

1.853   2006-11-12
        always call header in scalar context when getting content type (thanks,

1.852   2006-09-05
        avoid some warnings with undef headers or bodies

1.851   2006-08-22
        test coverage and layout improvements by SSORICHE

1.85    2006-07-13
        avoid memory leak due to circular references
          (bug 7007, starter patch from MARCB)
        pod tests

1.81    2004-10-29
        Fix bug in headers, now returns list in list context.
        Dependency updates.
        Author change.

1.8     Wed Aug 25 10:47:15 BST 2004
        Split filename and invent_filename to separate methods, for the

1.6     Sun Jul  4 21:15:07 BST 2004
        Another fix by Casey - this time, don't decode on as_string

1.5     Thu Jul  1 18:38:06 BST 2004
        That didn't actually fix the bug at all.

1.4     Thu Jul  1 18:35:32 BST 2004
        Only parse attributes if there are some!

1.3     Mon Apr  5 17:25:03 BST 2004
        Bug found by Joshua Hoblitt, fixed by Richard Clamp

1.2     Fri Apr  2 09:50:34 BST 2004
        Test fix from Richard Clamp

0.01    Thu Apr 10 13:38:09 2003
	      original version; created by h2xs 1.2 with options -AX -n Email::MIME