Revision history for JMAP-Tester

0.009     2017-01-28 13:54:00-05:00 America/New_York
        - an abort is now issued on bogus paragraphs and non-contiguous use of
          a client id; we can roll this back in the future if someone has a
          need… but why would you?
        - Set sentences now have an assert_no_errors method that throws a
          error-dumping abort if any part of the setFoos method did not succeed
        - paragraphs now have a client_id method
        - $set->VERB_errors now always returns an empty hashref if there are
          errors, even if the server returned nothing or null

0.008     2017-01-01 12:00:12-05:00 America/New_York
        - update minimum required JSON::Typist

0.007     2016-12-28 12:21:52-05:00 America/New_York
        - there's a logging system, which will be documented when more done
        - improved support for ->download
        - simple_auth should now, uh, work
        - some internal exceptions now throw JMAP::Tester::Abort errors,
          for use with Test::Abortable
        - "Set" sentences now understand new-style Object values for "updated"
          and provide transparent access to both new- and old-style updated

0.006     2016-12-01 10:49:03+11:00 Australia/Melbourne
        - support for upload and download
        - jmap_uri is now api_uri
        - logging in via simple auth now uploads uris when possible

0.005     2016-10-27 19:12:19-04:00 America/New_York
        - default_arguments have been added so you don't need to remember to
          put an accountId in every single method call

0.004     2016-09-26 14:05:14-04:00 America/New_York
        - include http_response on all request results

0.003     2016-09-02 11:09:48-04:00 America/New_York
        - fix a decoding bug for non-ASCII in successful JMAP response handling
        - http_response is now available on successful responses

0.002     2016-08-22 10:51:35-04:00 America/New_York
        - $paragraph->sentence($n) added
        - $res->single_sentence($name) added
        - response, paragraph, and sentence get ->as_stripped_X methods

0.001     2016-05-31 11:24:33-04:00 America/New_York
        - first release to CPAN, at Alfie's urging