Revision history for Module-Faker

0.010     2012-09-03 21:38:01 America/New_York
          encode append content to UTF-8 before appending it (thanks, Randy

0.009     2011-04-25 10:57:47 America/New_York
          allow content to be appended to arbitrary files (thanks, Moritz

0.008     2011-04-18 11:02:50 Europe/Amsterdam
          .dist files can be used to populate entirely from distnameinfo

0.007     2011-04-16 18:02:12 Europe/Amsterdam
          "Faker" key in meta files is now "X_Module_Faker"

          build fake dists from .json files, too

0.006     2008-04-08
          if source meta has "requires" put them in PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL
            (thanks, HDP, for bugfix)

0.005     2008-03-20
          add (possibly to-be-renamed) Faker.order key to provides

0.004     2008-03-15
          add omitted_files option (and test)
          add some documentation
          crank up the Moose prereq number to support ArrayRef[Foo]

0.003     2008-03-14
          renamed from ExtUtils-FakeMaker; MSCHWERN notes that ExtUtils is
          basically a misunderstood and deprecated namespace

0.002     2008-03-13
          support perl 5.8
          apparently my employers want to be able to use this code that I wrote
          for work! ha!

0.001     2008-03-13
          first revision, basically no documentation or tests, but hey! at
          least I got it out the door