Revision history for Perl-Critic-Lax

0.011     2014-07-10 23:40:28-04:00 America/New_York
          avoid crashing when encountering unusual PPI documents

0.010     2013-10-09 17:09:16 America/New_York
          update bugtracker and repo metadata

0.009     2012-09-11 10:55:34 America/New_York
          repackage with Dist::Zilla, primarily to fix busted metadata

0.008     2010-09-04
          update some policies for modern Perl-Critic

0.007     2007-12-30
          added ProhibitLeadingZeros::ExceptChmod

0.006     2007-07-27
          added ProhibitComplexMappings::LinesNotStatements

0.005     2006-11-08
          fix typo docs, add lax theme

0.003     2006-11-07
          added ProhibitEmptyQuotes::ExceptAsFallback

0.002     2006-11-07
          added RequireEndWithTrueConst
          added RequireExplicitPackage::ExceptForPragmata

0.001     2006-11-06
          initial release