Revision history for Perl extension Devel::Modlist.

0.01  Fri Jan  8 01:06:17 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18

	Part proof-of-concept, part oops-I-volunteered. A Devel::* package
	to list loaded/used modules at script exit, for dep lists and such.

0.1   Thu Feb 11 00:48:51 1999
	- first CPAN-ready version

	Basic package ready for public scrutiny; implements the basic
	functionality as well as the 'nocore' option. There is a test
	in Makefile.PL to warn about problems with nocore if your
	installprivlib is a direct ancestor of your installsitelib.

0.2   Sat Feb 13 03:12:57 PST 1999
	- second alpha

	Changed the algorithm that removes core modules. Now decendant
	directories are no longer an issue. Added a new option, 'noversion',
	to suppress display of the version number.

0.3   Wed Feb  2 00:41:59 PST 2000
	- third alpha

	Added patch from Alex Stewart ( to have the output
	refer to file paths rather than packages. This is useful for feeding
	to package management commands such as RPM, for dependancy checks.

      Sat Feb 26 13:05:16 PST 2000
	Tuned the "path" option, added the "stop" option (which ended up
	affecting a large part of the structure) and cleaned up the docs.
	Also decided to not use any pragmas so as to not add to the output
	should the user not have included them. Released to CPAN as 0.3.