Revision history for Catalyst-Controller-WrapCGI

0.031  2011-05-20 23:28:23
    - fix bug hardcoding 'root' as the site root

0.030  2010-08-06 16:08:10
    - rethrow non-scalar exceptions as-is
    - minor doc fix

0.029  2010-06-05 21:12:47
    - update tests for new HTTP::Request::AsCGI

0.028  2010-04-07 17:51:38
    - added cgi_chain_root and cgi_file_pattern options for CGIBin

0.027  2010-02-19 04:34:50
    - fix tests for Perl < 5.8.9
    - fix for HTTP::Request::AsCGI 1.2

0.026  2010-01-03 11:37:15
    - convert to CGI::Compile
    - check exit status of non-Perl CGIs

0.025  2009-12-26 16:43:50
    - fix %SIG localization in CGIBin

0.024  2009-12-22 01:13:01
    - revert passing args to coderefs (some CGIs might implicitly shift off
     @ARGV .)

0.023  2009-12-22 00:41:10
    - some code stole from CGI::Compile (until we can dep on it)
        - correct line numbers for CGIs
        - CGI::initialize_globals() called
        - better CGI path to action name mapping
    - coderefs are passed ($controller, $context)

0.022  2009-12-06 05:18:08
    - handle scripts that override $SIG{__DIE__} and $SIG{__WARN__}

0.021  2009-12-04 21:05:14
    - better is_perl_cgi determination that also allows using MyApp->foo

0.020  2009-06-30 22:59:56
    - fix AUTHOR pod sections

0.019  2009-06-04 23:06:39
    - fix a "make test" problem with +x not preserved on

0.018  2009-06-01 20:04:41
    - remove forward example from synopsis in CGIBin, as that confuses people

0.017  2009-05-30 09:56:43
    - skip test that depends on unreleased runtime

0.016  2009-05-26 22:35:09
    - fallback to $c->req->remote_user for $ENV{REMOTE_USER}
    - fix POD

0.0037  2009-05-06 20:07:00
    - pass captures in SCRIPT_NAME (caelum)

0.0036  2009-05-05 19:45:20
    - fix deps (caelum)

0.0035  2009-05-03 04:33:27
    - add a note about nph cgis not working (caelum)

0.0034  2009-04-30 16:38:00
    - remove all CGI specific env vars by default (caelum)

0.0033  2009-04-29 03:29:34
    - fix for multiple file uploads (hdp)
    - file uploads support (caelum)
    - test for file uploads (hdp)

0.0032  2009-04-27 18:43:25
    - fix deps, does not work in cat 5.7 (caelum)

0.0031  2009-04-27 16:00:07
    - revert PATH_INFO tests to unescaped URIs (caelum)

0.0030  2009-04-27 05:17:17
    - configurable cgi_dir (caelum)
    - support for PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME (caelum)
    - FILEPATH_INFO (iffy implementation) (caelum)

0.0029  2009-04-26 20:54:28
    - Allow more control over public paths to CGIBin actions (hdp)
    - Override exit() in CGIBin-wrapped Perl cgis to avoid terminating the
      Catalyst process (hdp)
    - Set (temporarily) $0 to the filename of the Perl cgi being executed (hdp)
    - cgi_root_path accessor, convert to Moose (caelum)
    - slight rewrite of docs and a test for __DATA__ (caelum)

0.0028  2009-04-24 04:40:39
    - Add support for __DATA__ sections in cgis for C::CGIBin (caelum)

0.0027  2009-04-03 14:55:34
    - Add 'kill_env' and default to killing 'MOD_PERL' from environment (hdp)

0.0026  2009-02-02
    - Stop storing generated files in SVN and add svn:ignore.
    - Remove taint from tests as this breaks in a local::lib environment
      as PERL5LIB is stripped.

0.0025  2009-01-09 14:59:20
    - Tell Static::Simple to ignore root/cgi-bin for C::C::CGIBin (caelum)

0.0024  2008-11-19 16:00:54
    - Fixed for Catalyst 5.8 (caelum)

0.002  2008-07-02 23:02:20
    - First release.

0.001  2008-06-28 15:28:46
    - First complete dist.