Revision history for Perl extension POE::Session::YieldCC.

0.201  2009-04-09 21:13:55
        - Updated for recent versions of POE and Coro, all tests pass.

0.10  Sun Jun 12 13:45:17 BST 2005
	- Made continuations into objects (and documented this)
	- Added make_state to continuation objects
	- Wrote more tests

0.012 Sat Jun 11 14:00:51 BST 2005
	- fixed leaks
	- few more example scripts
	- added sleep method

0.01  Fri Apr  8 19:35:28 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXn POE::Coro --skip-exporter --skip-pport --skip-autoloader