Revision history for URI-SmartURI

0.031  2010-09-27 09:46:24
    - removed most tests, they were causing odd failures on cpantesters

0.030  2009-12-26 15:50:29
    - fix some failing tests (copied from URI t/)

0.029  2009-04-29 17:20:08
    - fucked up, previous dist was missing inc/

0.028  2009-04-27 20:11:54
    - disable dns based tests in t/heuristic.t because some ISPs override
      unknown DNS addresses
    - fixed v-string version warning

0.027  2009-04-27 15:24:22
    - accidentally shipped a Makefile

0.026  2009-04-27 13:35:48
    - fix non-inlined-constructor warning.
    - re-enable escape.t.
    - remove taint check in tests.
    - ignore @INC entries that don't exist

0.025  2008-09-02 16:23:57
    - Turned off escape.t because it was failing tests in some places for reasons
      I don't understand.

0.024  2008-06-28 01:10:13
    - Clear $@ in ->can to not show spurious errors in Catalyst.

0.023  2008-06-13 09:32:43
    - Removed ugly hack to turn off redefined warnings, this is fixed
      in new MRO::Compat.

0.022  2008-06-06 13:10:05
    - Fixed test and import issues on Win32.

0.021  2008-06-05 18:11:11
    - Fixed redefined warnings from Class::C3 and a bug in AUTOLOAD
      during destruction.

0.02  2008-06-03 20:42:46
    - Split from Catalyst::Plugin::SmartURI, converted to Moose