Revision history for vendorlib

0.08  2011-01-14 05:45:08
    - some fixes for Win32

0.07  2011-01-11 09:49:29
    - add tilde expansion from Config values

0.06  2011-01-09 12:22:12
    - added checks for loading core modules in t/01basic.t

0.05  2011-01-06 11:04:51
    - add repository to META.yml

0.04  2011-01-05 10:01:22
    - another POD update

0.03  2011-01-05 09:54:27
    - minor POD update

0.02  2011-01-05 09:00:06
    - Use correct order in @INC.
    - Add /etc/perl as a special case for Debian, should be harmless on other

0.01  2011-01-05 04:30:06
    - Initial release.