Revision history for Perl extension CPAN::SQLite.
0.196 June 6, 2008
- turn off creation of log files during indexing procedures
via setting $ENV{CPAN_SQLITE_NO_LOG_FILES}, as suggested
0.195 Feb 16, 2008
- fix further bugs where sometimes a regex search for
distributions and/or modules, followed by a distribution
search for a specific distribution, didn't properly
populate the CONTAINSMODS field
- add CPAN::Shell->reload('index') in the t/05meta.t test
to ensure the database is created, and test that it has
non-zero size
- fix bug where sometimes a regex module search, followed
by a distribution search for a specific distribution,
didn't properly set the abstract and version fields
- fix bug in t/05meta_*.t tests so as to correctly compare modules
in a distribution.
- honour $Config::CPAN->{index_expire} to decide when to update
the database
- improved error checking for the exisitence of the database,
including also a check on the size, if it exists, when
deciding whether to update or create the database.
0.19 Feb 3, 2008
- fix bug whereby a query for a module, followed by a query for
the distribution containing that module, would only list the
module first queried for CONTAINSMODS
- fix (hopefully) failing tests on Darwin:
resulting from CPAN::MyConfig not getting picked up
from PERL5LIB (thanks to Michael Schwern and David Wheeler)
- have information messages printed out only if CPAN_SQLITE_DEBUG
is set, as requested at
(thanks to ZOFFIX)
0.18 Aug 15, 2007
- as some older versions of DBD::SQLite don't support
"drop table if exists $table", use an alternate construction
- add vcmp function in to test equality of versions
- when testing with, remove the database file
before testing
0.15 July 26, 2007
- add a message of when the database was last updated:
- don't ignore a previously set PERL5LIB in the tests:
0.1 Feb 17, 2007
- first non-developer release; no code changes from 0.1_04
0.1_04 Jan 11, 2007
- improve diagnostics of some of the tests using Test::More
- check that we loaded the correct CPAN::Config in 05meta.t
(test suggested by Andreas Koenig)
- add auto_commit variable to the test's CPAN::Config, so
as to work with 1.88_69
0.1_03 Dec 31, 2006
- in the t/05meta.t test, remove an underscore from the version
strings, as older versions of CPAN::Version seem to have
problems comparing versions with underscores.
- don't try to update database if a $db_name-journal file
exists, indicating another process is updating the database
- in a regex search for Bundles within CPAN::SQLite::META,
don't prepend 'Bundle' if special regex characters are
present, to help in tab completion of Bundles within
- get tab completion within working
0.1_02 Dec 21, 2006
- change name of database to cpandb.sql, and make it fixed,
as there was little need to have it configureable.
- support
cpan> d ANDK/CPAN-xxx.tar.gz
for distributions.
- fixes to handle Bundle ids
- undef $sth after an $sth->finish, to help with concurrent access
- when using Test::More, use is(), rather than ok()
0.1_01 Dec 12, 2006
- initial version, derived from a minimal version of