Revision history for Math::Cephes

0.25	Oct 25, 2000

  - changed Cephes_wrap.c to compile when MULTIPLICITY
    in perl 5.6.0 is defined (addition of pTHX_)

0.20    Mar 12, 2000

  - changed name from Math::Functions to Math::Cephes
  - added Math::Cephes::Fraction and Math::Cephes::Complex
    for a more "perlish" interface
  - added '-g -Wall -fno-builtin' when compiling with gcc
  - small documentation improvements
  - some changes to the pmath script, including the interface
    to handle fractions and complex numbers

0.10	Feb 14, 2000

  - original version, created by Swig with help from h2xs