- Add --backup (or --no-backup) option
    - Change --package option to --class

0.024 Monday June 08 11:06:08 PDT 2009:
    - Added --class as an alias to --package
    - Added "Apache2 and FastCGI on Ubuntu" tutorial

0.023 Monday June 08 10:21:26 PDT 2009:
    - Have minimum Moose version of 0.76 (thanks KAARE)

0.022 Friday 2009-05-05:
    - Fixed some errors in SYNOPSIS

0.021 Friday June 05 09:16:57 PDT 2009:
    - Tweaked documentation
    - Changed how --output worked when writing to disk

0.020 Thursday June 04 18:46:28 PDT 2009:
    - Replaced --no-bundle, etc. with --bare and added --output
    - Documented --fastcgi options
    - Testing for -h/help

0.010 Wednesday June 03 17:39:34 PDT 2009: 
    - Initial release