0.063_1 Wednesday October 14 11:32:06 PDT 2009
    - Fixed broken __path_to__ substitution (rt50490)

0.062 Friday May 29 09:54:22 PDT 2009:
    - Release because of bad testing environment

0.061 Thursday May 28 15:21:43 PDT 2009:
    - Fix for path extension issue, thanks minty (http://github.com/minty)

0.060 Wednesday May 20 14:44:51 PDT 2009:
    - Non-developer release
    - Fixed tests in 17-found.t to use bag() instead of [], since we can't depend on Config::Any
      to return loaded files in a set order (srezic++)

0.050_2 Thursday May 14 13:27:31 PDT 2009:
    - Forgot some dependencies in Makefile.PL

0.050_1 Wednesday May 13 19:36:19 PDT 2009:
    - Fixed t/14-loader-env-lookup.t to ignore external ENV (rt45624)
    - Require Data::Visitor 0.24 (rt45624)
    - Changed how the 'file' option to work how the user actually expects it to (and how it is in the SYNOPSIS)
    - Added ->found
    - Added ->open 

0.050 Wednesday March 18 12:36:57 PDT 2009:
    - Modified tests to pass on Windows using Path::Class (thanks Dan Dascalescu)

0.040 Thursday October 09 16:06:20 PDT 2008:
    - Added substitution handling
    - Added default option

0.030 Tuesday April 29 11:49:21 PDT 2008:
    - Fixed issue with install_accessor ignoring given package name

0.020 Monday April 28 19:51:17 PDT 2008: 
    - Added env_lookup support
    - Added install_accessor for Caelum

0.010 Wednesday April 23 14:19:05 PDT 2008:
    - Initial release