- Test with '--' (huh?)
- Implement 'defer' sugar/backing
0.013_1 Monday June 01 23:14:32 PDT 2009:
- Allow configuring of the context class
- Added Declare::under functionality
- Re-implemented the declarator to use a builder replay
0.013 Saturday May 16 00:40:06 PDT 2009:
- Took erroring XXX out of .t
0.012 Friday May 15 19:45:34 PDT 2009:
- More saner path handling (* globbing at end)
0.011 Thursday May 14 20:22:44 PDT 2009:
- Hash::Param dependency in Makefile.PL
0.010 Tuesday May 12 14:32:10 PDT 2009:
- Big change: legacy-ized v005, using Path::Dispatcher to do the fun stuff
- Can use ::Declare to do nice stuff
0.005 Thursday September 04 10:58:08 PDT 2008:
- Properly pass through remaining arguments
0.004 Saturday August 16 20:02:09 PDT 2008:
- Using Test::Trap for exit error code checking
0.003 Saturday August 16 15:07:24 PDT 2008:
- Minor documentation fix
0.002 Saturday August 16 2008:
- Inclusion of abort functionality
- Better documentation coverage
- Integrated Hash::Param
- First non-development release
0.001_3 Saturday August 09 10:09:44 PDT 2008:
- Update to work with the latest Moose (reader ... instead of is ...)
0.001_2 Friday August 08 16:09:53 PDT 2008:
- Added SOURCE information
0.001_1 Friday August 08 2008:
- Initial release