- Add the capability to take lists of tests to Test::Lazy::try
- Added the capability to use (and deparse) a code reference with Test::Lazy::try

0.050_2 Friday November 02 16:32:20 PDT 2007:
- Objectification of the interface via Test::Lazy::Tester
- Customizable via instantiation (new) or ->cmp_scalar, ->cmp_structure, ->render accessors
- Custom rendering based on value type (e.g. HASH, ARRAY, Path::Class::File, etc.)
- More robust testing using Test::Deep
- JSON::XS requirement dropped, using Data::Dumpe instead

0.03 Sunday August 05 11:37:34 PDT 2007: 
- Switch to using JSON::XS

0.02 Sunday July 01 15:33:35 PDT 2007
- Added $base_stmt capability to Test::Lazy::Template::test

0.01 Saturday June 30 14:00:38 PDT 2007:
- Initial version