Revision history for Perl extension File::Rename.
2.01 Robin Barker 2023-01-17
min perl version 5.8.0
use warnings
use Getopt::Long 2.24
source/rename source of rename script
2.00_4 Robin Barker 2023-01-16
Min perl version 5.8.0
Move rename source file to source/ - to avoid
rename being found when @INC includes '.'
Revert regex for $INC values
Initialize C<our $print> for v5.10
2.00_3 Robin Barker 2023-01-15
Restore indirect print in t/
Change regex for $INC values
2.00_2 deleted
2.00_1 Robin Barker 2023-01-14
min perl version 5.6.1
use warnings
use Getopt::Long 2.24
2.00 Robin Barker 2022-12-31
rename script requires options before code/files
New script unsafe-rename with no_require_order
Removed Build.PL from distribution
1.99_9 Robin Barker 2022-12-28
Remove Build.PL from distribution
1.992 Robin Barker 2022-12-27
Reinstate shebang line
1.991 Robin Barker 2022-12-27
Add required ExtUtils::MakeMaker version to
Fix typos in 1.99 POD and Changes file
1.99 Robin Barker 2022-12-24
rename script requires options before code/files
New script unsafe-rename with no_require_order:
to recover the old behavior of the rename script
1.90_5 Robin Barker 2022-12-24
Add back Build.PL for 1.99 - to be removed for 2.00
README and POD for 1.99
1.90_4 Robin Barker 2022-12-23
Remove Build.PL - so testers build and test unsafe-rename
More globbing in rename-examples.t
Test for warnings in rename-examples.t
1.90_3 Robin Barker 2022-12-22
Increase required version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Add test for unsafe script
1.90_2 Robin Barker 2022-12-20
Add :config to use File:Rename, to mimic GetOpt::Long
Fix cygwin tests - cygwin is not Windows
1.90_1 Robin Barker 2022-12-19
require_order in script
New script unsafe-rename with no_require_order
Rewrite examples to mark start of non-options
1.31 Robin Barker 2022-05-07
Add explicit LICENCE field
Fix tests for perl 5.8.* and cygwin
1.30_03 Robin Barker 2022-04-23
Add explicit 'cygwin' in test lib and script
1.30_02 Neil Bowers 2021-09-05
Add LICENCE=>perl to Makefile.PL
1.30_01 Robin Barker 2021-08-16
Fix tests for perl < 5.8.9 (on cygwin)
1.30 Robin Barker 2021-08-16
Unicode support: --unicode and File::Rename::Unicode
1.29_06 Robin Barker 2021-08-04 - not released
Documented approach to unicode strings in README
1.29_05 Robin Narker 2021-08-03
Add encoding to --unicode
Reworked C<create()> in
removed unnessary C<die>
simplified File-Rename-unicode.t
1.29_04 Robin Narker 2021-08-02
Tests which should skip_all: BEGIN { plan skip_all =>
1.29_03 Robin Narker 2021-08-01
Fix tests which should skip
1.29_02 Robin Narker 2021-08-01
Add File::Rename::Unicode to hide C<use feature>
1.29_01 Robin Narker 2021-07-31
Add -u to do utf8::upgrade and unicode_strings
1.20 Robin Barker 2021-03-22
On darwin, when built with ExtUtils::MakeMaker,
builds the correct script and passes tests; see;os=darwin;reports=1
1.19_04 Robin Barker 2021-03-20
Fix distribution file format
1.19_03 Robin Barker 2021-03-19
Fix META.* for Makefile.PL
1.19_02 Robin Barker 2021-03-18
More robust OSType handling
1.19_01 Robin Barker 2021-03-17
Fix Makefile and tests to find script on darwin
1.13 Robin Barker 2020-06-17
Fix 'examples' test script to do file globbing
1.12 Robin Barker 2020-06-17
Added new test script to MANIFEST
1.11 Robin Barker 2020-06-16
Added more examples in the script POD, suggested by 'xavier'
Added a test script to test that examples in POD are valid
1.10 Robin Barker 2018-09-25
Added option --filename [-d] to rename filename component only
Added option --fullpath [--path] to rename any part of path
1.09_04 Robin Barker 2018-09-19
Fixed file 'log' which was supposed to be deleted
1.09_03 Robin Barker 2018-09-17
Change options to closer align to original feature request
1.09_02 Robin Barker 2018-09-16
Fix test failure for perl 5.14
1.09_01 Robin Barker 2018-09-16
Option for renaming file component only: filename-only/-d
1.00 Robin Barker 2018-07-03
File::Rename::Options module
0.99_02 Robin Barker 2018-06-26
Remove spurious C<opendir> in t/File-Rename-script.t
0.99_01 Robin Barker 2018-06-12
File::Rename::Options in separate file
0.35 Robin Barker 2018-06-14
Add $File::Rename::Options::VERSION
0.33 Robin Barker 2018-06-13
Added return code for File::Rename::rename
More tests: in preparation for v1.00
Add $File::Rename::Options::VERSION
0.32 Robin Barker 2018-06-08 - as 0.32-fix
Fixed syntax of rmtree() for perl5.16
0.31 Robin Barker 2018-06-05
Removed use of s///r in tests
Rewrote tests - more robust - use of
0.30 Robin Barker 2018-06-02
(tidied configure_requires)
removed typo from rename POD
options do not need to before code / files
allow null separated file names reading from STDIN
0.20 Robin Barker 2013-04-30
Added option -E (statement): alternative to -e
0.10 Robin Barker 2013-04-29
Merged "0.09 (beta for 0.10)" from 2006-06-26
Added option -V (version).
0.09 (beta for 0.10) Robin Barker 2006-06-26 - not released
Added options -e, -f, -n and -V (version).
Options -e, -f, -n suggested by code
written by Aristotle Pagaltzis.
0.06 Robin Barker 2011-09-23
Added example/, dealt with other Kwalitee metrics.
Updated META files
0.05 Robin Barker 2007-10-03
Removed perl 5.6.0 dependencies and successfully
tested on perl 5.005_05 (with patched Temp::File).
0.04 Robin Barker 2007-09-27
Replaced depencies on perl versions by explicit
requirements on modules in Build.PL/Makefile.PL
0.03 Robin Barker 2007-09-26
Added --force and --nono options (over_write, no_action)
0.02 Robin Barker 2006-01-13
Added t/pod*.t, and extended POD to pass tests
0.01 Mon Dec 13 17:54:05 2004
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-XAn File::Rename
# $Revision$$Date$
# Robin's RCS header:
# RCSfile: rename.PL,v Revision: 1.3 Date: 2006/05/25 09:20:32
# Larry's RCS header:
# RCSfile: rename,v Revision: 4.1 Date: 92/08/07 17:20:30
# Log: rename,v
# Revision 1.5 1998/12/18 16:16:31 rmb1
# moved to perl/source
# changed man documentation to POD
# Revision 1.4 1997/02/27 17:19:26 rmb1
# corrected usage string
# Revision 1.3 1997/02/27 16:39:07 rmb1
# added -v
# Revision 1.2 1997/02/27 16:15:40 rmb1
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.1 1997/02/27 15:48:51 rmb1
# Initial revision