Revision history for Perl extension IO::Pipe::Producer.
1.0 2003/03/07 by robleach
Initial version.
1.1 2005/04/11 by robleach
I added the ability to return handles on both standard output and standard
error (when called in array context). I also added a subroutine to do the
same thing with a system call (as opposed to a subroutine call).
1.2 2005/04/11 by robleach
I added the ability to return handles on both standard output and standard
error (when called in array context). I also added a subroutine to do the
same thing with a system call (as opposed to a subroutine call).
1.3 2005/04/11 by robleach
This is a modular version of I changed the method names,
made a constructor, and changed the documentation. It now ISA IO::Pipe and
all the file handles returned are IO::Pipe::Producer instances.
1.4 2005/05/04 by robleach
I incorporated, pod documentation, created $Producer::VERSION and
$Producer::errstr variables, and edited/updated some comments.
1.5 2010/09/01 by robleach
Updated LANL license info.
1.6 Fri Nov 16 10:51:29 2012 by robleach
Standardized with Makemaker and updated perldoc documentation.
Created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AX --skip-exporter --use-new-tests -n IO::Pipe::Producer
1.7 2014/07/11 by robleach
Changed documentation to inform user that they must close the returned file
handles and added a check for finished unclosed file handles. Closes them
if there are over 200.
1.8 2014/07/15 by robleach
Based on test results, I reduced the maximum number of allowed unclosed
file handles to 100, as it seemed the most any system tested could handle
was 110.
1.9 2014/07/18 by robleach
Added a call to tell before calling eof when checking for expired file
handles so as to avoid blocking IO situations.
2.0 2014/07/22 by robleach
Based on CPAN tester test results, removed file handle tracking.