Revision history for Bio::BPWrappers

1.05 2016-06-28:

- Try to addess OSX testing problems:
  test using long options
- Start package documentation:
- improve/standardize command-line documentation

1.04 2016-06-02:

- revise bioaln documentation
- force at least Perl 5.10 on CPAN install

1.03 2016-06-01:

- Make behavior the same across more Platforms:
  use a bundled Getopt::Long. This addresses
  the majority of install problems we see on CPAN
- Revise bioseq doc

1.01 2016-05-26:

- First CPAN release.

1.0  2015-02-10:

- First release. contains two utilities with tests: bioseq & bioaln.