0.20 (2009-06-28)
  - Support for writing attributes and executing operations 
  - Documentation fixes
  - Tested for WebLogic 9. New initial support for Websphere 6.1 and 
  - New "version" command to j4p-agent
  - New "search" j4p-agent command for querying for MBean names
  - Added '--base-alias' to check_jmx4perl for using relative 
  - Added '--delta' to check_jmx4perl for using an incremental 
  - Cleaned up check_jmx4perl perfdata output
  - Added own j4p-agent MBean for configuration management 
    (history tracking and debugging info)
  - JMX::Jmx4Perl has new request short-cuts 'set_attribute' and 
  - Renamed j4p-agent.war to j4p.war
  - Started integration test suite below "it/" and "agent/modules/j4p-it"
    for installing some test beans
  - Cleaned up maven integration for the agent servlet
  - Moved repository to git://github.com/rhuss/jmx4perl.git

  - Switched off debugging in agent servlet
  - Fixed syntax error when using 'jmx4perl -v attributes'
  - Fixed Jetty Handler. 

  - Aliasing
  - Autodetection 
  - Command line tool "jmx4perl"
    * reading of attributes
    * listing of all availabel attributes and operations. 
    * listing of all attribute values
    * print server info
    * print all available aliases
  - Bug Fixes:
    * Correct URL encoding for request URL
    * Slash '/' needs to be custom encoded, since URI encoding doesn't 
      work for JBoss 4/5 due to a bug
  - Tested to work on JBoss 4 & 5, Oracle WebLogic 10, Jonas 4, Geronimo 2, 
    Glassfish 2, Tomcat 4-6 and Jetty 5 & 6 

  - Initial release
  - check_jmx4perl