- Added example 'threadDump.pl'
- Fixed bug when serializing floats and doubles.
- check_jmx4perl:
* Added support for checking string and boolean values
* Escaping performance data
* Include units-of-measurement in the plugin output
* Custom labeling of the plugin output
- Removed reference to 2.4 Servlet Spec XSD in web.xml
to make it work with JRun as well
0.30 (2009-07-31)
- Fixed permission issue while running 'Build dist'
- Fixed URL generation for Websphere
- Added support for generic Bean serialization
- Added 'search' command to jmx4perl
- Fixed bug when using pathes with multiple components
- Added additional parameters 'max_depth', 'max_list_size' and
'max_objects' to restrict the size of the JSON answer. Protocol
has changed as well a bit.
- jmx4perl: URL now as first argument for easier workflow when using
bash history for repeated usage.
- Added support for restricting MBean access via a policy file
0.21 (2009-07-03)
- Added '--proxy' for check_jmx4perl and jmx4perl
- check_jmx4perl:
+ Refactored to work within the embedded Nagios Perl interpreter
+ use relative values in the range from 0 to 100%
(for --critical and --warning) instead of [0..1]
+ Renamed '--base-value' to '--base' since it can take now
absolute values (numbers) or "mbean/alias/path" tuples as an
argument in addition to alias names.
+ Added '--operation' which allows for using return values of
operations as check values
+ Added ~ 50 integration tests
0.20 (2009-06-28)
- Support for writing attributes and executing operations
- Documentation fixes
- Tested for WebLogic 9. New initial support for Websphere 6.1 and
- New "version" command to j4p-agent
- New "search" j4p-agent command for querying for MBean names
- Added '--base-alias' to check_jmx4perl for using relative
- Added '--delta' to check_jmx4perl for using an incremental
- Cleaned up check_jmx4perl perfdata output
- Added own j4p-agent MBean for configuration management
(history tracking and debugging info)
- JMX::Jmx4Perl has new request short-cuts 'set_attribute' and
- Renamed j4p-agent.war to j4p.war
- Started integration test suite below "it/" and "agent/modules/j4p-it"
for installing some test beans
- Cleaned up maven integration for the agent servlet
- Moved repository to git://github.com/rhuss/jmx4perl.git
- Switched off debugging in agent servlet
- Fixed syntax error when using 'jmx4perl -v attributes'
- Fixed Jetty Handler.
- Aliasing
- Autodetection
- Command line tool "jmx4perl"
* reading of attributes
* listing of all availabel attributes and operations.
* listing of all attribute values
* print server info
* print all available aliases
- Bug Fixes:
* Correct URL encoding for request URL
* Slash '/' needs to be custom encoded, since URI encoding doesn't
work for JBoss 4/5 due to a bug
- Tested to work on JBoss 4 & 5, Oracle WebLogic 10, Jonas 4, Geronimo 2,
Glassfish 2, Tomcat 4-6 and Jetty 5 & 6
- Initial release
- check_jmx4perl