package Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report; use v5.10.1; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use experimental qw(smartmatch); use Storable; use Date::Calc qw(Decode_Date_US Decode_Date_EU); use HTML::TreeBuilder; use List::MoreUtils qw(firstval); use Module::Pluggable require => 1, search_path => ['Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report']; use Time::Local; use Sport::Analytics::NHL::Util; use Sport::Analytics::NHL::Tools; use Sport::Analytics::NHL::Config; use Sport::Analytics::NHL::Errors; =head1 NAME Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report - Generic class for an NHL report =head1 SYNOPSYS Generic class for an NHL report Contains methods common for most (usually HTML) or all NHL reports. use Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report; my $report = Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report->new($args); $report->process(); =head1 METHODS =over 2 =item C<new> Common constructor wrapper. Assigns the report plugin, and initializes the report object. For a json report usually an overloaded constructor is required. For an HTML report, the generic html_new (q.v.) method is usually sufficient. Arguments: the arguments hashref * file: the file with the report OR * data: the scalar with the report BUT NOT BOTH * type: explicitly specify the type of the report Returns: the blessed object of one of the Report's Plugins. The object represents an NHL game. =item C<html_new> Specific constructor for the HTML reports. Parses the HTML using HTML::TreeBuilder, immediately storing the tree as another storable (.tree) for re-use. The tree resides in $obj->{html}. The raw HTML is stored in $obj->{source}. The type of the report is set in $obj->{type}. Arguments: see new() (q.v.) Returns: the blessed object. =item C<convert_time_date> Converts the NHL HTML header date strings of start and end of the game into $obj->{start_ts} and $obj->{end_ts} timestamps and sets the object's time zone in $obj->{tz} and the month in $obj->{month}. Arguments: whether to force US date parsing or not. Note: uses $self->{date} anf $self->{time} from get_header() (q.v.) Returns: void. Sets object fields =item C<force_decision> Forces a decision setting on a goaltender in case the reports miss on it explicitly. Usually happens in tied games. Arguments: the team to force the decision Returns: void. Sets a team's goaltender with the decision. =item C<get_header> Gets the HTML node path for the HTML report header (teams, score, location, attendance etc.) Arguments: none Returns: void. Sets the path in $obj->{head} =item C<get_sub_tree> Gets the node in the HTML Tree as set by a path. Arguments: * flag 0|1 whether the node or its contents are wanted * the walk path to the node as arrayref * optional: the sub tree to walk (or $obj->{html}) =item C<normalize> A post-process function for the report that should be overloaded. =item C<parse> A processing function for the specific report that must be overloaded. =item C<process> Read the boxscore: read the header, parse the rest (overloaded), normalize it (may be overloaded), delete the html tree to free the memory and delete the HTML source for the same purpose. Arguments: none Returns: void =item C<read_arena_info> Reads the arena information from the game header Arguments: the HTML element with the arena information Returns: void. Sets the arena and the attendance in the object. =item C<read_date_info> Reads the date from the game header Arguments: the HTML element with the date information Returns: void. Sets the date in the object. Implies calling convert_date_time (q.v.) later. =item C<read_game_info> Reads the NHL id from the game header Arguments: the HTML element with the game id information Returns: void. Sets the nhl season game id in the object. =item C<read_header> Parses the header of the HTML report, dispatching the processing of the discovered information elements. Arguments: none Returns: void. Everything is set in the object. =item C<has_html> Checks if one of the sources of the boxscore is an HTML report Arguments: none Returns: True|False =item C<read_status> Reads the game status block from the game header Arguments: the HTML element with the game status and other information Returns: void. Sets the information in the object. =item C<read_status_info> Reads the actual status of the game from the header Arguments: the HTML element with the status information Returns: void. Sets the status in the object. =item C<read_team> Reads the team information from the game header Arguments: the HTML element with the team information and the index of the team Returns: void. Sets the team information in the object. =item C<read_time_info> Reads the time from the game header Arguments: the HTML element with the time information Returns: void. Sets the date in the object. Implies calling convert_date_time (q.v.) later. =item C<set_args> Sets the argument for the constructor. Juggles the data, file and type fields. Arguments: the args hashref: * the file to process OR * the scalar with the data to process, BUT NOT BOTH. * the explicit data type setting, optional when 'file' is specified. Returns: void. Updates the args hashref. =item C<set_event_extra_data> Sets extra data to already parsed events: * The file type as event source * The game_id normalized * Bench player in case of bench penalty * Resolves teams to standard 3-letter codes * Converts time to timestamp (ts) * Sets field t for primary event team: 0 for away, 1 for home, -1 - noplay event Arguments: none Returns: void. Updates the events in the object. =back =cut use Data::Dumper; our %REPORT_TYPES = ( BS => 'json', PB => 'json', PL => 'html', RO => 'html', GS => 'html', BH => 'html', ES => 'html', ); our @HEADER_STATUS_METHODS = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, qw( read_date_info read_arena_info read_time_info read_game_info read_status_info ), ); our @HEADER_STATUS_METHODS_OLD = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, 'read_game_info', undef, 'read_date_info', undef, 'read_arena_info', undef, 'read_time_info', undef, 'read_status_info', ); our $tb; sub set_args ($) { my $args = shift; if (! $args->{data} && ! $args->{file}) { print STDERR "Need to specify either file or data, choose one!\n"; return undef; } if ($args->{data} && $args->{file}) { print STDERR "Cannot specify both data and file, choose one!\n"; return undef; } my $type = $args->{type} || ( $args->{file} ? ($args->{file} =~ m|/([A-Z]{2}).[a-z]{4}$| ? $1 : '') : '' ); if (! $type) { print STDERR "Unable to determine the type of the report, please specify explicitly\n"; return undef; } $args->{type} = $type; $args->{data} = read_file($args->{file}) if ($args->{file}); 1; } sub new ($$) { my $class = shift; my $args = shift || {}; set_args($args) || return undef; my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; $class .= "::$args->{type}" unless $class =~ /\:\:[A-Z]{2}$/; my $plugin = firstval {$class eq $_} $self->plugins(); if (! $plugin) { print STDERR "Unknown report type $args->{type}\n"; return undef; } $self = $REPORT_TYPES{$args->{type}} eq 'json' ? $plugin->new($args->{data}) : $plugin->html_new($args); $self->{type} = $args->{type}; $self; } sub html_new ($$) { my $class = shift; my $args = shift; $tb = HTML::TreeBuilder->new; my $self = {}; if ($args->{file}) { my $tree = $args->{file}; $tree =~ s/html/tree/; if (-f $tree && (stat($tree))[9] > (stat($args->{file}))[9]-2) { debug "Using tree file"; $tb = retrieve $tree; $self->{html} = $tb->{_body}; } } if (! $self->{html}) { $tb->ignore_unknown(0); $tb->implicit_tags(1); # unidecode($args->{data); $args->{data} =~ tr/Â / /; if ($args->{type} eq 'ES' && $args->{data} =~ /width\=100\%/i && $args->{data} !~ /width\=100\%\>/i ) { $args->{data} =~ s/width\=100\%/width\=100\%\>/ig } $tb->parse($args->{data}); if ($args->{file}) { my $tree = $self->{file} = $args->{file}; $tree =~ s/html/tree/; verbose "Storing tree file $tree"; store $tb, $tree; } $self->{html} = $tb->{_body}; } $self->{source} = $args->{data}; $self->{type} = $args->{type}; bless $self, $class; $self; } sub has_html ($$) { my $self = shift; return $self->{GS} || $self->{ES} || $self->{RO} || $self->{PL}; } sub read_status ($$$) { my $self = shift; my $cell = shift; my $r = 0; $cell = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0], $cell) if $self->{old}; my $offset = 0; my $no_att = 0; while (my $row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$r], $cell)) { my $content = $self->{old} ? $row : $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0], $row); $r++; next unless $content and ! ref($content); if ($self->{old} && $r == 4 && $content =~ /\,/) { $offset = 1 + $self->{old}; } my $method = $self->{old} ? $HEADER_STATUS_METHODS_OLD[$r+$offset+$no_att] : $HEADER_STATUS_METHODS[$r+$offset]; if ($content && $content =~ /\s*(attendance|attd)\s+(\d+\S+\d+)\s*$/i) { $self->{attendance} = $2; $self->{attendance} =~ s/\D//g; next; } if ($r == 11 && ! $self->{attendance}) { $method = 'read_status_info'; } if ($content && $content =~ /^\s*(\d+\:\d+)\s+(\S\S)\s+(\S\S)\s+at\s+(.*)/) { $self->{time} = "$1 $3"; $self->{tz} = $3; $self->{location} = $4; next; } next unless $method; $self->$method($content); } $self->convert_time_date(); $self->{status} ||= 'Preview'; $self->{status} = 'Final' if $self->{status} eq 'End of Game' || $self->{status} eq 'End of Period 4' || $self->{status} eq 'Period 4 (0:00 Remaining)'; } sub read_date_info ($$$) { my $self = shift; my $date = shift; ($date) = ($date =~ /\S+,.*?(\S.*)$/); $date =~ s/Sept\./Sep/g; $date =~ s/Fev\.\S*/Feb/g; $date =~ s/Avr\.\S*/Apr/g; $date =~ s/Mai\S*/May/g; $self->{date} = $date; } sub read_time_info ($$$) { my $self = shift; my $time = shift; $self->{time} = $time; } sub read_arena_info ($$$) { my $self = shift; my $arena_info = shift; my $stadium; my $attendance; $arena_info =~ tr/\xA0/ /; if ($arena_info !~ /att/i) { $stadium = $arena_info; if ($arena_info =~ /(\d+\:\d+ \w\w \w\w) (at|\@) (.*)/) { $self->{time} = $1; $stadium = $3; } $attendance = 0; } elsif ($arena_info =~ /attendance.*?(\d+)\,(\d+)\s*$/i) { $stadium = 'Unknown'; $attendance = $1*1000+$2; } else { my $sep; ($attendance, $sep, $stadium) = ($arena_info =~ /(\S+\d).*?(at\b|\@).*?(\w.*)/); unless ($attendance) { $attendance = 0; if ($arena_info =~ /(at|\@).*?(\w.*)/) { $stadium = $2, } } else { $attendance =~ s/\D//g; } } $self->{attendance} = $attendance; $stadium =~ s/^\s+//; $stadium =~ s/\s+$//; $stadium =~ s/\s+/ /g; $self->{location} = $stadium; } sub read_game_info ($$$) { my $self = shift; my $game_info = shift; $game_info =~ /(Game|NHL)\D*(\d{4})/; $self->{season_id} = $2; return; } sub read_status_info ($$$) { my $self = shift; my $status_info = shift; $status_info =~ s/^\s+//; $status_info =~ s/\s+$//; $self->{status} = $status_info; if ($status_info =~ / (\d+) \- (\S.*)/) { $self->{season_id} = $1; $self->{status} = $2; } else { $self->{status} = $status_info; } } sub read_team ($$$$) { my $self = shift; my $cell = shift; my $idx = shift; my $name = $self->{old} ? $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0,6], $cell) : $self->get_sub_tree(0, [2,0,0], $cell); if (ref $name && $self->{old}) { $name = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0,5], $cell); } my $score = $self->{old} ? $self->get_sub_tree(0, [ 2 - (scalar(@{$self->{head}})-1)*(1-$idx) + $idx*($self->{gs}-5)-(scalar(@{$self->{head}})-1)*2*$idx, ,0,0 ], $cell->{_parent}) : $self->get_sub_tree(0, [1,0,0,0,1,0], $cell); $score = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [2+5*$idx+($self->{gs}>=12)*(1-$idx),0,0], $cell->{_parent}) if $score !~ /^\d{1,2}\s*$/; $score = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [9,0,0], $cell->{_parent}) if !defined $score || $score !~ /^\d{1,2}\s*$/; if (!defined $score || $score !~ /^\s*\d{1,2}\s*$/) { die "Unreadable header"; } if ($name) { $name =~ s/^\s+//g; $name =~ s/\s+$//g; $name =~ s/\s+/ /g; $name = 'MONTREAL CANADIENS' if $name eq 'CANADIENS MONTREAL'; $self->{teams}[$idx]{name} = $name; } $score =~ s/\D//g; $self->{teams}[$idx]{score} = $score; } sub get_header ($) { my $self = shift; my $i = 0; $self->{head} = []; $self->{teams} = []; while(my $base_element = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$i])) { last unless ref $base_element; if ($base_element->tag eq 'table') { push(@{$self->{head}}, $i); push(@{$self->{head}}, 0) if $base_element->{_content}[0]->tag eq 'tbody'; last; } $i++; } } sub read_header ($) { my $self = shift; $self->get_header(); my $main_table = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [@{$self->{head}}]); my $gameinfo_table; my $offset = 0; if ($main_table->attr('class')) { my $content_table = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0,0],$main_table); $gameinfo_table = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0,0], $content_table); $self->{content_table} = $content_table; $self->{old} = 0; $offset = 0; } else { $gameinfo_table = $main_table; $self->{old} = 1; $offset = 2; } my $gameinfo_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0], $gameinfo_table); my $gameinfo_size = @{$gameinfo_row->{_content}}; $self->{gs} = $gameinfo_size; for my $i (0..2) { my $cell; if ($self->{old} && @{$self->{head}} == 2) { $cell = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [ $i*$self->{old}*5 + $self->{old}*(2-$i) - 1 ], $gameinfo_row); } else { $offset = $i + $i*$self->{old}*$gameinfo_size/2 + $self->{old}*(1-2*$i); $offset += 1-$i if $gameinfo_size == 12; $offset += 1-$i if $gameinfo_size == 14; $cell = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [ $self->{old} ? $offset : ($offset, 0), ], $gameinfo_row); } ($i % 2) ? $self->read_status($cell) : $self->read_team($cell, $i / 2); } if ($self->{status} =~ /end.*period (3|4)/i && $self->{teams}[0]{score} != $self->{teams}[1]{score}) { $self->{status} = 'final'; } $self->{season}-- if ($self->{month} < 9); if ( ($self->{season} != 2012 && $self->{month} > 3 && $self->{month} < 8 && $self->{season_id} <= $LAST_PLAYOFF_GAME_INDEX) || ($self->{season} == 2012 && $self->{start_ts} >= $LATE_START_IN_2012)) { $self->{stage} = $PLAYOFF; } else { $self->{stage} = $REGULAR; } $self->{teams}[0]{name} = 'MONTREAL CANADIENS' if $self->{teams}[0]{name} eq 'CANADIENS MONTREAL'; $self->{teams}[1]{name} = 'MONTREAL CANADIENS' if $self->{teams}[1]{name} eq 'CANADIENS MONTREAL'; $self->{_id} = $self->{season} * 100000 + $self->{stage} * 10000 + $self->{season_id}; $self->{periods} ||= [{},{},{}]; delete $self->{gs}; $self->fill_broken($BROKEN_HEADERS{$self->{_id}}); $self->{attendance} ||= 0; ref ($self) =~ /\:\:(\w\w)$/; $self->{type} = $1; $self->{status} = uc $self->{status}; } sub convert_time_date ($;$) { my $self = shift; my $force_us = shift || 0; my $date = $self->{date}; my $time = $self->{time}; my ($year, $month, $day) = $date =~ /^\d/ && ! $force_us ? Decode_Date_EU($date) : Decode_Date_US($date); $self->{season} ||= $year; $self->{month} = $month; $year -= 1900; $month--; my ($start_h, $start_m, $start_tz, $end_h, $end_m, $end_tz) = ($time =~ /(\d+):(\d+)\W*(\w{1,2}T)\s*\;\D*(\d+):(\d+)\W*(\w{1,2}T)/); unless ($end_h) { ($start_h, $start_m, $start_tz) = ($time =~ /(\d+):(\d+)\W*(\w{1,2}T)\W*/); unless ($start_h) { $start_h = 12; $start_m = 0; $start_tz = 'EDT'; } $end_h = $start_h + 3; $end_m = $start_m; $end_tz = $start_tz; } $start_h += 12 if $start_h < 12; $end_h += 12 if $end_h < $start_h; $self->{start_ts} = timelocal(0, $start_m, $start_h, $day, $month, $year); if ($end_h > 23) { $self->{end_ts} = $self->{start_ts} + 10800; } else { $self->{end_ts} = timegm(0, $end_m, $end_h, $day, $month, $year); } $self->{tz} ||= $start_tz; } sub parse ($) { die "Overload me" } sub normalize ($) { } sub force_decision ($$) { my $self = shift; my $team = shift; my @goalies = sort { get_seconds($b->{timeOnIce}) <=> get_seconds($a->{timeOnIce}) } grep { $_->{position} eq 'G' } @{$team->{roster}}; my $goalie = $goalies[0]; if ($self->{_score}[0] == $self->{_score}[1]) { $goalie->{decision} = 'T'; } elsif ($self->{_score}[$self->{_t}] > $self->{_score}[1 - $self->{_t}]) { $goalie->{decision} = 'W'; } else { $goalie->{decision} = $self->{ot} || $self->{so} ? 'O' : 'L'; } } sub get_sub_tree ($$$;$) { my $self = shift; my $want_content = shift; my $walk = shift; my $tree = shift || $self->{html} || $self; print "Walking ",join(".", @{$walk}), "\n" if $ENV{SHOW_WALK}; my $tpointer = \$tree; for my $node (@{$walk}) { return undef unless $$tpointer && ref $$tpointer; my $tc = ${$tpointer}->{_content}[$node]; $tpointer = \$tc; } my $tcopy = $$tpointer; return $want_content ? $tcopy->{_content} : $tcopy; } sub process ($) { my $self = shift; $self->read_header() unless $self->{type} eq 'BH'; $self->parse(); $self->normalize(); $self->{html}->delete(); delete $self->{source}; } sub set_event_extra_data ($) { my $self = shift; for my $event (@{$self->{events}}) { $event->{sources} = {$self->{type} => 1}; $event->{game_id} = delete $event->{game} if $event->{game}; $event->{player1} ||= $BENCH_PLAYER_ID if ($event->{penalty}); my $t = -1; if ($event->{team1}) { $event->{team1} = resolve_team($event->{team1}) if $event->{team1} ne 'OTH'; $t = $event->{team1} eq $self->{teams}[0]{name} ? 0 : $event->{team1} eq $self->{teams}[1]{name} ? 1 : -1; } $event->{team2} = resolve_team($event->{team2}) if $event->{team2} && $event->{team2} ne 'OTH'; $event->{t} = $t; $event->{ts} = $event->{special} ? 0 : $event->{stage} == $PLAYOFF || $event->{stage} == $REGULAR && $event->{period} < 5 ? ($event->{period}-1) * 1200 + get_seconds($event->{time}) : 3900; } $self->{no_events} unless @{$self->{events}}; } END { $tb->delete if defined $tb; } 1; =head1 AUTHOR More Hockey Stats, C<< <contact at> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<contact at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) L<> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back