Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm::ScheduledPath.
- added has_vertices and has_cycle methods to Path module
- fixed cycle bug ( bug #8248)
- modified example script to includes cases where bug shows up
- in modules, renamed *_leg functions to *_edge
(though aliases were added for compatability)
- minor optimizations
- removal of 'edge_sort' alias
- fixed typos in documentation
0.31 Nov 4 2004
- added example script
- added documentation
- fixed buggy behavior in choosing optimized routes
0.30 Nov 3 2004
- alpha version, needs a bit more testing
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-n Algorithm::ScheduledPath -v 0.30 -X -P
0.20 Nov 2 2004
- object-oriented test script (unreleased)
0.10 Nov 1 2004
- first prototype (unreleased)