Revision history for Perl extension GPS::Lowrance::Trail.  (Node: issues
which may affect backward-compatability are notes with asterisks "*".)

0.30   5 Mar 2004
	- fixed typo in POD w/reversed latitute and logitude for add_point
	- added read_utm
	- added support for named points
	- redid filehandle definitions
	- minor code changes
	- updated SEE ALSO section POD
	* requires Geo::Coordinates::DecimalDegrees for conversions

0.21   3 Mar 2004
	- formatting was changed
	- east/north columns were backwards
	- zone was missing from UTM file format
        - removed assertions that filehandles be used
	- if filehandles not specified, defaults to STDIN or STDOUT

0.20   2 Mar 2004
	- no longer an Exporter
	- added get_trail method
	- added write_utm method
	- added assertions
	* requires Carp::Assert and Geo::Coordinates::UTM
	- corrected (some) typos in POD
	- corrected typo in Makefile.PL
	* read_lonlat and write_lonlat have been renamed read_latlon and
	  write_latlon (although aliases have been made for backward
	* changed required to use 5.006 to be in sync with GPS::Lowrance
	  module requirements.

0.13  27 Dec 2002
	- handle seconds, not just minutes, in Lowrance Trail file
	- other minor changes

0.11   8 Feb 2002
	- added example files in eg/ subdirectory

0.10   1 Feb 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-X -v0.10 -b5.5.0 -n GPS::Lowrance::Trail