Revision history for MooX-Const:
v0.5.3 2022-04-03 17:42:59+01:00 Europe/London
[Bug Fixes]
- Writers will throw errors, unless it is a write-once attribute.
- Clearers will throw errors.
- Fix error check for triggers on value types.
v0.5.2 2022-04-03 16:30:15+01:00 Europe/London
[Bug Fixes]
- Wrap coercions, fixes GH#4.
- Bumped copyright year.
- Fix encoding of links in README.
- Removed bad rule from MANIFEST.SKIP.
v0.5.1 2021-06-21 16:47:46+01:00 Europe/London
- Bumped copyright year.
- Updated SEE ALSO.
v0.5.0 2020-12-30 16:54:53+00:00 Europe/London
- Added "once" as alternative to "wo" attributes. "wo" is now an
alias for "once", and is documented as deprecated, GH#3.
v0.4.5 2020-11-21 12:44:03+00:00 Europe/London
- Noted different meaning of "wo" attributes in Class::Accessor.
v0.4.4 2020-07-31 14:44:28+01:00 Europe/London
- Add core modules in the prerequisites.
v0.4.3 2020-01-10 12:08:40+00:00 Europe/London
- Added a note about using with Moose and Mouse.
- Added link to Types::Const in KNOWN ISSUES.
- Added tests with Moose.
- Added MooX::TypeTiny and Moose as recommended test modules.
v0.4.2 2020-01-04 12:59:01+00:00 Europe/London
- Fix MooX::TypeTiny test to bail out if MooX::TypeTiny missing, #1.
v0.4.1 2020-01-03 18:34:29+00:00 Europe/London
- Bump copyright year.
- Add tests with MooX::TypeTiny.
- Recommend MooX::TypeTiny as prereq.
v0.4.0 2019-11-15 17:54:30+00:00 Europe/London
- Added "strict" option to only apply read-only constraints in
strict mode.
v0.3.1 2019-04-02 18:47:14+01:00 Europe/London
- Removed unnecessary prerequisites.
v0.3.0 2019-04-02 18:35:06+01:00 Europe/London
[Incompatable Changes]
- Removed support for Perls before v5.10.1.
- Documented handling of non-existent hash reference keys.
- Added more tests.
v0.2.2 2018-12-06 18:00:47+00:00 Europe/London
- Added recommended minimum version of Types::Const.
- Recommend Type::Tiny::XS.
v0.2.1 2018-11-16 18:28:00+00:00 Europe/London
- Added a ROADMAP section for planned changes.
- Added more tests.
v0.2.0 2018-11-10 23:03:30+00:00 Europe/London
- Add support for write-once attributes.
- Dies if a trigger is added to a constant attribute.
[Bug Fixes]
- Use version module for older Perls.
- Updated ABSTRACT and POD accordingly.
- Use a different Pod::Coverage plugin.
v0.1.4 2018-11-10 12:27:54+00:00 Europe/London
- Fixed typo.
v0.1.3 2018-11-10 12:23:52+00:00 Europe/London
- Credited ideas for the module to Kang-min Liu 劉康民 <>.
- Removed some redundant dependencies.
- Bumped minimum version of Types::Const.
v0.1.2 2018-11-10 01:30:19+00:00 Europe/London
[Bug Fixes]
- Actually set the coercion.
- Elaborated on what this is equivalent to.
v0.1.1 2018-11-10 00:28:47+00:00 Europe/London
[Bug Fixes]
- Specified a minimum version of Types::Const.
v0.1.0 2018-11-10 00:25:46+00:00 Europe/London
- Initial release.