Revision history for SemanticWeb-Schema:

v4.0.0    2019-10-23 16:57:27+01:00 Europe/London
  - Updated classes to Version 4.0 of the schema.

v3.9.0    2019-08-08 16:04:56+01:00 Europe/London
  - Updated classes to Version 3.9 of the schema.

  - Include ext-pending in the schema.

v3.8.1    2019-07-14 14:24:23+01:00 Europe/London
  [Other Changes]
  - Classes and POD data is dumped in alphabetical order, to avoid
    unnecessary source code churn.

v3.8.0    2019-07-13 11:40:42+01:00 Europe/London
  - Updated classes to Version 3.8 of the schema.

v3.7.0    2019-07-13 11:31:18+01:00 Europe/London
  - Updated classes to Version 3.7 of the schema.

v3.6.0    2019-07-13 11:24:37+01:00 Europe/London
  - Updated classes to Version 3.6 of the schema.

v3.5.1    2019-04-11 13:39:49+01:00 Europe/London
  - Fix broken link in POD, @manwar++.

  - Update copyright year.

  - Include SOURCE and BUGS sections.

  - Tweaks to dist.ini.

  - Fixed broken Pod::Weaver configuration.

v3.5.0    2019-04-09 23:34:22+01:00 Europe/London
  - Updated classes to Version 3.5 of the schema.

    Note that the VERSION of this and future releases of SemanticWeb-Schema
    will be based on the schema version.

  - Include the health-lifesci extensions, since some of the schema
    classes depend on these.

  - Include the auto (automotive) extensions.

  - Include the bib (bibliographic) extensions.

  - Add Class::XSAccessor as a recommended prereq.

  - Tweaks to dist.ini.


v0.0.4    2018-11-06 21:04:04+00:00 Europe/London
  [Bug Fixes]
  - Remove cache/ from distribution.

v0.0.3    2018-11-06 20:54:26+00:00 Europe/London
  [Bug Fixes]
  - Upgrade MooX::JSON_LD prereq to v0.0.16 to fix inheritance issues.

  - Rename the JSON_LD base class to avoid conflict with

  - Remove local/ from distribution.

  - Tweaks to dist.ini for simplifying build.

v0.0.2    2018-10-19 18:07:44+01:00 Europe/London
  - Updated classes to Version 3.4 of the schema.

  [Bug Fixes]
  - Handle UTF-8 issues.

  - Added INSTALL file to the distribution.


v0.0.1    2018-07-30 23:54:07+01:00 Europe/London
- Initial release.