Revision history for Test::Roo::DataDriven

v0.1.4    2017-12-15 16:34:15+00:00 Europe/London
  - Modify dist.ini to via double-tagging on releases, #3.

v0.1.3    2017-12-15 16:21:07+00:00 Europe/London
  - Tidied up abstract in pod as reported by CPANTS (Mohammad S Anwar)

  - Added various author/release tests.

  - Increased minimum version of Time::Piece so that tests pass on
    Perl v5.10.

  - Using Pod::Weaver to build the documentation.

  - Using ReadmeAnyFromPod plugin to build the README, since it seems
    to work better with Pod::Weaver plugin.

v0.1.2    2017-12-14 17:50:40+00:00 Europe/London
  - Fix typo in the POD markup.

  - Add note about using ToolSet.

  - Added MANIFEST.SKIP to remove backup files and cruft from the

  - Added various author/release tests.

v0.1.1    2017-12-14 13:48:51+00:00 Europe/London
  - Explicitly add test requirements for modules used by the test

  - Add Known issue about prerequisite scanners and module imports in
    test data.

v0.1.0    2017-12-14 13:21:37+00:00 Europe/London
  - Initial release