Revision history for Perl extension App::Office::Contacts.

1.16  Tue Nov 16 15:47:00 2010
	- Switch from FindBin::Real to FindBin (which is in core).
	- Replace /usr/bin/perl with /usr/bin/env perl.
	- Replace common::sense with use strict and use warnings, to get uninit var warnings.
	- Move lib/App-Office-Contacts/lib/App/Office/Contacts/.htoffice.contacts.conf to config/.
	- Change default template path to /dev/shm/html/assets/templates/app/office/contacts.
	- Change name of default template path from tmpl_path to template_path, as part of adopting
	- Add scripts/ to copy .htoffice.contacts.conf to ~/.perl/App-Office-Contacts/.
	- Add missing pre-reqs to Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
	- Make Build.PL and Makefile.PL run scripts/

1.15  Wed Sep 22 10:00:00 2010
	- Replace sub script_name() with $self -> query -> url(-absolute => 1).
	- Shift some code into a new module, App::Office::CMS::View::Search. This means a view
	  now hasa search.
	- Chop subs generate_cookie(), generate_digest() and validate_post(). See V 1.09 below.

1.14  Fri Jun 25 11:15:00 2010
	- Change all JSON::XS->new->encode(...) to JSON::XS->new->utf8->encode(...).

1.13  Thu Jun 24 14:38:00 2010
	- Fix syntax error.
	- Use 'select count(*) as count' rather than just 'select count(*)' to avoid
	  differences between Postgres and SQLite.

1.12  Wed Jun 23 13:29:00 2010
	- Fix logic error in I was getting a list of
	  table names from a file in the distro, the same way I do when populating
	  tables at installation time. But, this file may not be available at run
	  time after installation.
	- No longer ship scripts/ I use from GraphViz::DBI,
	  modified to use GraphViz::DBI::General (which subclasses GraphViz::DBI).

1.11  Thu Jun  3 17:23:00 2010
	- Fix typos arising after I changed the name of the module
		from CGI::Office::* to App::Office::*. This patch was lost
		when I replaced Debian testing with lenny on my laptop.
	- Ship docs/html/contacts.faq.html, as previously documented.

1.10  Wed May 19 11:11:00 2010
	- Update comments re starman usage in contacts.psgi.
	- Chop mailing list stuff from support.
	- Update version numbers in Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
	- Ensure config code is only called once (App::Office::Contacts::Util::LogConfig).

1.09  Tue Apr 20  8:38:00 2010
	- Comment out the processing which checks for CSRF, since I encountered
		a case where it did not work.

1.08  Fri Apr 16  8:52:00 2010
	- Warning: The organizations and people tables have a new column: upper_name.
		This is due to a defect in SQLite, which does not allow function calls
		when defining an index. Hence the index on people(upper(name) ) has to be
		now written as people(upper_name). You can easily write a little program
		to use alter table, and then populate the new column.
		The search code uses the new column.
	- Change SQLite attribute from unicode to sqlite_unicode.
	- Change the default database driver from Postgres to SQLite,
		to make installation easier (by not requiring DBD::Pg).
		If using another database server, you'll need to edit the 2 lines
		in .htoffice.contacts.conf which refer to SQLite.
	- Fix Makefile.PL to use App::* not CGI::*.
		My apologies for this carelessness.
	- Rework cookies and POST validation, to allow Contacts, Donations and
		Import::vCards to run in parallel.

1.07  Wed Apr  7  8:51:00 2010
	- Update pre-reqs for Test::Pod to 1.41 to avoid Test::Pod's dithering
		about a POD construct I used: L<text|scheme:...>, which makes a test fail.
		See comments for V 1.40 and 1.41 at:
	- Update pre-reqs from Test::More V 0 to Test::Simple 0.94.

1.06  Mon Mar 29 14:53:00 2010
	- Create indexes on organizations and people tables, using upper(name),
		to speed up searching. The index names are:
		- organizations: opganizations_upper_name
		- people: people_upper_name.
	- Add parent to pre-reqs in Build.PL and Makefile.PL.

1.05  Tue Mar  2  9:28:00 2010
	- In cgiapp_prerun() protect against XSS and CSRF:
		o Only accept CGI params if the request method is 'POST'.
		o Ensure digest in session matches digest in cookie.
	- Change 'use base' to 'use parent'.
	- Remove form_action from config file. See sub script_name.
	- Replace references to FCGI with Plack. This includes no longer
		shipping FCGI-specific files nor patches to Apache's httpd.conf.
	- Ship httpd/cgi-bin/office/contacts.psgi.
	- Adopt Log::Dispatch::Configurator.
		See App::Office::Contacts::Util::LogConfig.
	- Replace Carp::croak with die, assuming calling code uses Try::Tiny.
	- Stop using Time::Elapsed (at table create/populate time).
	- Zap drop_and_create_all_tables() and run() from App::Office::Contacts::Util::Create.
	- In and, change the 'verbose+' option
		definition to 'verbose', since the '+' doesn't make sense.
	- Clean up what is real data and what is fake data.
	- Rename data/email_addresses.txt => data/fake.email_addresses.txt.
	- Rename data/email_people.txt => data/fake.email_people.txt.
	- Rename data/people.txt => data/fake.people.txt.
	- Rename data/phone_numbers.txt => data/fake.phone_numbers.txt.
	- Rename data/phone_people.txt => data/fake.phone_people.txt.
	- Rename data/organizations.txt => data/fake.organizations.txt.
	- Add comments to .htoffice.contacts.conf, while simplifying the
		discussion of the Javascript URL.
	- Change the default URL of the FAQ.
	- Use common::sense instead of strict and warnings.
	- Add unicode to .htoffice.contacts.conf - used by SQLite - and add
		corresponding code to BEGIN{} in App::Office::Contacts::Database,
		in case anyone wants to use DBD::SQLite.
	- Fix off-by-one error in report.js when indexing into
		document.report_form.report_id.options[report - 1].text.
	- Change some logging in from info to debug.

1.04  Sun Feb 21 12:54:14 2010
	- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
	- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.
	- Replace personal doc root with /var/www.
	- Use namespace::autoclean with Moose.

1.03  Fri Feb  5 17:27:00 2010
	- Remove personal use lib from CGI scripts.
	- Use smarter check for calendar div in Contacts.build_head_init,
		so cursor appears in search name box upon startup.

1.02  Fri Jan 29 09:52:00 2010
	- Change namespace from CGI::Office::* to App::Office::* after discussion with Matt Trout.
	- Add config item css_url.
	- Tell Module::Build to install .htoffice.contacts.conf.

1.01  Thu Jan  7 15:39:00 2010
	- Add MANIFEST and MYMETA.yml

1.00  Thu Dec 31 10:48:00 2009
	- Rename from Local::Contacts.
	- Remove Apache-specific code.
	- Split into N controllers, using CGI::Application::Dispatch.
	- Split into separate distros:
		o App::Office::Contacts
		o App::Office::Contacts::Donations
		o App::Office::Contacts::Export::StickyLabels
		o App::Office::Contacts::Import::vCards
		o App::Office::Contacts::Sites

0.99  Thu Mar 06 11:30:45 2008
	  - Original version.