Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Explorer.
2.10 Sun Feb 21 12:54:35 2010
- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.
2.09 Wed Feb 10 14:01:24 2010
- MANIFEST.SKIP updated to exclude MYMETA.yml. Add MYMETA.yml.
2.08 Fri Nov 13 13:20:00 2009
- Run dos2unix
- Rename Changes.txt to CHANGES
2.07 Fri Aug 18 12:01:00 2006
- There are no code changes in this version - there is no need to upgrade
- Change the directory structure for css, js and images, to use URLs of the form
- Change the defaults and POD in, xtree.js, and the examples, to match the new directory structure
- Make various small corrections and clarifications to the POD
2.06 Wed Oct 26 14:27:00 2005
- Change examples/ to use the syntax of DBIx::Hash2Table
V 2 rather than the syntax of V 1
- Change the built-in CSS 'right_style' to use 'left: 21.00em' to make the display neater
- Simplify code in new() to no longer check if caller is an object
as per the new standard on such matters
2.05 Fri Sep 3 09:18:00 2004
- Fix bug whereby the root node did not have the 'target' attribute set,
so clicking on the root node could produce output in the wrong pane
2.04 Mon Jul 19 10:47:00 2004
- Change Makefile.PL to coexist with Module::Build
- Rewrite t/test.t to use Test::More
2.03 Sun Nov 09 20:24:00 2003
- Previous version had some wrong files in it.
2.02 Thu Nov 06 13:24:00 2003
- Upgrade xTree from V 1.15 to V 1.17. The latter version supports targets (frames).
- Change the path to the images used by xTree from /images/ to /images/explorer/.
- Add an option called 'target' to new(). This allows you to specify the name of a
frame which is to receive the output of the CGI script which is using this module.
The POD contains a long explanation of this option.
2.01 Sat Oct 05 11:12:00 2003
- Properly document the hash keys _open_icon and _shut_icon.
Thanx to Peter <> for drawing this to my attention.
2.00 Tue Dec 10 20:05:00 2002
- Note: The API for V 2 has nothing in common with the API for V 1
- Rewrite to use xtree by Emil A Eklund
This means mouse clicks which expand and contract sub-trees
are handled by JavaScript in the client, and so do not need
to send a message on a round trip to the server and back
- Ship Eklund's files xtree.css and xtree.js
- Use Eklund's files for the images, too, and 3 extra images (see POD)
- Ship a demo, hobbit-hash.cgi, which displays a hash tree.
This script does not require any other modules
- Ship a demo pair, which creates a database table, and
hobbit.cgi which reads and displays a database table as a hash tree.
These 2 scripts require DBIx::Hash2Table and DBIx::Table2Hash
- Document how to use hobbit.cgi as an Apache V 2 script
- Add a trivial test script t/test.t, which is actually a copy of
- Rewrite the documentation
1.14 Sat Oct 26 14:29:00 2002
- Minor documentation changes. No need to upgrade
1.13 Sun May 12 13:12:11 2002
- Clean up licence and email stuff in all modules, scripts and other docs.
Upgrading is not necessary
1.12 Sat Mar 24 17:15:00 2001
- Add constructor option css_background. It is used to set the background color
of submit buttons.
- Add constructor option css_color. It is used to set the foreground color of
submit buttons.
- Add method depth($id), which returns the depth of the node with the given id, or 0.
- Add method get($option), which returns the value of the given option, or undef.
Eg: $tree -> get('sort_by') returns 'name', by default.
- Enhance to demonstrate these options.
1.11 Wed Mar 14 21:00:00 2001
- Add constructor option sort_by. When set to 'name' (the default), the nodes
are sorted by name. When set to 'id', the nodes are sorted by id.
Patch to demonstrate this, by making it now sort by id.
- Add code to to set all even ids to open the very first time the script
is run. This is simply to demonstrate how to pre-set the open/closed status
of nodes.
- Reformat part of the pod to avoid a bug in pod2hml. See note under method
- Fix spelling of horizontal.
1.10 Sat Mar 11 14:00:00 2001
- Change
use CGI qw/fieldset legend/;
use CGI;
in These methods are only used by
- Add method image($icon_id, $new_image) to allow setting the image file name
of any icon. See POD for a list of icon ids.
- Add constructor option css to set the style-sheet for submit buttons.
A default style-sheet is provided. Yes, I know the submit button text,
using the style-sheet, is really too wide, but as you'll see from the source,
I cannot find a style-sheet command to make it narrower.
- Add method css() to set or retrieve the style-sheet. As with other new() options,
you can also use method set(css => $new_css) to set the style-sheet after
- Rename constructor option from 'a_href' to 'click_text', since I now use
submit buttons and not a hrefs. The default for click_text is 1,
whereas for a_href it was 0.
Specifically, new(click_text => 1) has the effect of making the text
(node id and/or name) [to the right of the node] into a submit button,
formatted nicely via the css option. Clicking this text submits the form
and sets the current node. But, if the node has children, it does not change
the open/closed status of the node, whereas clicking on the node icon toggles
the status.
- Remove restriction that there had to be a node id == 1.
- Ship explorer_server.gif and explorer_server.png for variety, and for use
- Various minor changes to the docs.
1.00 Sat Feb 24 12:37:29 2001
- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
-A -X -f -n CGI::Explorer -v 1.00