Revision history for Perl extension CGI::TabPane.

1.08  Sun Feb 21 12:54:47 2010
	- Remove text 'All rights reserved' (for Debian licensing).
	- Remove POD heads 'Required Modules' and 'Changes'.

1.07  Wed Feb 10 14:01:33 2010
	- MANIFEST.SKIP updated to exclude MYMETA.yml. Add MYMETA.yml.

1.06  Fri Nov 13 13:20:00 2009
	- Run dos2unix
	- Rename Changes.txt to CHANGES

1.05  Sun Jan  9 16:44:00 2005
	- Add a check so we don't access and undef array reference

1.04  Mon Jul 19 14:43:00 2004
	- Change Makefile.PL to coexist with Module::Build
	- Move a few CSS declarations around between the *.css files, to help clean these files up.
			You should notice nothing
	- Change the default margin and padding for forms, from 0 to 5 pixels. See final.css lines 14 .. 15.
		In this case, you should now notice a coloured frame around your forms
	- Note: Firefox V 0.9.1 fails to properly handle the CSS required to display multiple panes stacked
		vertically when the last pane is wider than the panes above it. However it does better job than
		IE V 6.0.2800 at handling the width of the tab on a pane with one tab below a pane of several tabs.
		You are encouraged to report all bugs to the appropriate developers
	- Add t/pod.t to test all PODs

1.03  Tue Feb 03 12:37:29 2004
	- Add warning to docs that the CSS file given by the final_css parameter to new()
		must follow, in the <head> of the HTML, the CSS file given by the style_css
		parameter. Add corresponding comment to examples/test-cgi-tabpane.cgi
	- Only add the infix_html between panes, not also after the last pane as I was doing
	- Cut all unused CSS selectors from *.css. This makes it much easier to combine this
		module with other CSS files
	- Change docs to recommend separating panes vertically by 1 paragraph rather than 2.
		Since the CSS selector 'p' was cut from *.css, your demos will change appearence
		whether you use 1 or 2 paragraphs in this way

1.02  Thu Jan 29 12:37:29 2004
	- Add parameter to new() called current_tab, to allow the user to specify which tab is to be the current tab
		when the first pane is displayed. See POD for details
	- Add parameter to new() called use_cookie, to allow the user to specify whether or not a cookie is used by the
		JavaScript to save the state of which tab is the current tab on the first pane. This option was suggested by
		Enrico Sorcinelli. See POD for details
	- Document limitations: 66 tabs per pane and 99 non-nested panes
	- Change call to new() in examples/test-cgi-tabpane.cgi to include these values:
		current_tab => 'Privacy',
		use_cookie  => 0
	- Fix typo in examples/test-cgi-tabpane.cgi. The parameter to new() was:
			style     => '/css/tabpane/webfx.css',
		and is now:
			style_css => '/css/tabpane/webfx.css',
	- Fix Makefile.PL to exclude DBI, because Makefile.PL was copied carelessly from another project, and to include
		Test::More, because the latter module is used in t/test.t

1.01  Mon Jan 25 12:37:29 2004
	- Fix class name in t/test.t. I copied the test from another module and did not edit it properly
	- Fix typos in luna.css: background-repaet is now background-repeat
	- Fix typo in this file: Tue (below) is now Sun

1.00  Sun Jan 25 12:37:29 2004
	- Original version